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beatrix-kelly hills

It's the day. The day that Bradly and I are here to fight for custody over Tanner, against Blake.

"All rise," we hear a voice. I look at Bradly, as he stands, giving me a look also. I give a quick glance at the twins, Emma, and James, flashing them a quick smile.

"Your honor, our first case is Mr. Amari versus the State Of New Jersey," the Bailiff states.

"Very well," the judge says.

- - - - -

"I would like to call a witness to the stand." Blake's lawyer says.

"Very well." The Judge raises her eyebrow.

"Beatrix Hills."

My eyes widen. Me?! I walk to the stand.

"Do you promise to tell the truth and nothing but the truth?" I was asked.

"I promise," I respond.

"You believe that Blake Amari is not well fit for a parent.. correct?" He asks.


"Why is that?"

My heart races. I can't believe I was about to tell this story. No one knew about this. Not even Bradly.

"Um.. at the age of 6, I started to talk a lot more and um, long story short I grew an attitude. My mom, nor Bradly knew that Blake had abused me. Hitting me, beating me, slapping me.... and even- even raping me," a tear slipped. I looked up. My eyes met Bradly's.

"Objection, your honor!" Blake yells.

"Overruled," The judge responds.

"That's why I would wake up with bruises. Mama and Bradly would ask where I get them from. Blake had threatened that if I said anything, he'd punish me. I told Mama and Bradly they were from school, playing on the playground. At the age of 7, when mama and Blake had gotten a divorce, Blake had told me, and I quote, 'Don't you dare say a word, or I will kill you' how do I remember? It ruined me."

"Thank you, Ms. Hills for sharing that tragic story."

- - - - -

"Jury, you must make your decision based on only facts, not how you feel," the Judge states.

We wait a couple minutes.

"Members of the jury, have you reached a verdict?" The judge asks.

"Yes, your honor," the Jury Spokesman says.

"Members of the jury, on the case of Mr. Amari versus the State Of New Jersey, what do you say?"

"Your honor... we reason to believe that the defendant is...."

Bradly squeezes my hand. I feel my heat beating faster, and my breathing hitch.


I let out a sigh. "Oh my god," I cry.

"We also find reason to believe that Ms. and Mr. Hills should have full custody over Tanner Hills."

"YES!" I jump and cry.

"Ay Dios mío! Gracias Señor!" Bradly whispers.

Tanner comes running to me.

"Hey baby," I bend down and pick him up crying.

"What's happening Bea?" He asks.

"Bradly and I have full custody over you. That means you're safe now. We can go home," I hug him tight before feeling Bradly hug us also.

"We did it," Bradly says.

- - - - -

"Brad stop!" I laugh.

"No and then she-" I stopped him from continuing the embarrassing story.

"Remember when I was 9?! Yeah?!" I fire back.

"Never mind," he shuts up.

"Bea! Too loud," Tanner whines.

"I'm sorry," I laugh and pull him onto my lap.

Currently, Bradly, Emma, the twins, and I are sitting on the couch, talking story, letting loose. James has left a while ago, as he was called for a business meeting.

"It's getting pretty late bub, you should go to sleep," I say to Tanner. He yawns in response. I giggle lightly and stand up.

"I'll take him," Grayson says. I nod and hand Tanner over.

"Thank you," I mouth. Grayson smiles in response.

"So, Ethan," Bradly squints.

"Stop," I laugh sitting on Ethan's left thigh.

"Bea go help Grayson, and take Emma with," he says keeping his eyes locked to Ethan's.

"What? Why?" I ask.

"Just do it."

I take Ethan's face and force it to he's looking into my eyes now. I laugh at the effect I have over him.

"Em lets go," I got up.

Emma and I went upstairs into my room, soon Grayson following after.

"Where's E?" Gray asks.

"My brothers talking to him," I sigh.

"Oo, those talks don't end well," Gray sits next to me on my bed.

"Remember when you and Jake dated and your brother gave him a talk?" Emma asks.

"Yeah, that's the whole reason why we broke up, he was that scared," I chuckle.

I starting thinking deeply about it. What if Ethan leaves because my brother scares him, or what if-


"Hm?" I respond.

"Never mind," Gray laughs. I shake it off and lay down on my bed. A couple minutes later the door opens.

"What happened?" I ask.

"Um your brother wants to talk to you," Ethan says before sitting on my bed.



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