1 fallen

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Eren's POV

"Eren you must be careful! Or you will fall from heaven, the place you are safe. Stay away from the edge and come closer my son" my father ordered calmly, holding his hands out towards me with a small smile on his face.

I smiled a little before jumping over to him and wrapping my arms around his waist making his laugh lightly as he pat my head.

"I love you Eren. My brightest angel. My strongest soldier. My only son" he whispered in my ear as he continued to run his fingers through my hair. "even if you are slightly childish and like to skip your chores, I love you" he stated looking down at me as he smoothed out my messy hair.

"I love you two father" I giggled as he guided me back home where we watched all the humans from the sky floor, I watched with curious eyes as they went about their day, busting themselves in technology and fast food.

Hugging, packing, walking, fighting, smiling, crying, running, sleeping, kissing, killing.

They did so many things.

"Why do they wish to hurt one another father?" I asked as I stared down at a woman who stabbed her mother for no good reason, a fresh pool of thick red blood pouring from her as he daughter grabbed the wallet from her pocket and dashed out the front door.

"Why do they kill? Steal? Lie? Cheat? Why do they do such horrible things?" I asked again staring at my father who sighed sadly running a hand through his hair. I was confused, why couldn't they just stop and see the damage the did.

"The devil" he said simply which made me confused, I tilted my head and silently questioned what he meant. He saw my confusion and sighed once again obviously not liking this conversation I was tempted to drop the subject but he took in a deep breath stopping me before I could.

"He gets in their heads and persuades them to do such horrible things" he explained sadly before he began walking away, he looked pained and while I felt bad for bringing it up I was still confused and curious.

"Why don't you stop them? Your all powerful aren't you?" I asked curiously because my father was supposed to be the supreme being in all the universe, why couldn't he make them see their sin?

"Yes, I am Eren but once he has persuaded them it becomes immensely difficult to change their minds" he told me before he rubbed his forehead again almost as if this conversation were giving him a headache.

"He's changed" he whispered and it only made my confusion worse.

Did my father know the devil? How could he possibly know him?

"Who's changed? The devil? You know the devil!?" I asked surprised, I left my heartbeat increase as he gave me a small smile and shook his head lightly.
"I used to. The devil has changed he wasn't the man people thought he was. He simply lived in hell and was in charge. He wasn't evil, in fact he was very kind. His name was Kenny we were friends" he paused for a minute taking in a deep breath, a smile appearing on his face and he looked as he was reminiscing on their friendship.

I was stunned at this new information and while I wanted to ask questions I couldn't find the words.

"I don't know what has happened but he's become twisted and insane. Maybe it's just fate or maybe it isn't him at all... All I know is that a war will start soon and I didn't want to have to make the decision that will end it all, but it's clear I will have to" he said and realisation seemed to hit him as his brow furrowed and his face hardened.

"I'm going to my planning chamber do not disturb me! Oh and Eren? Stay away from the edge!" He demanded authority in his words, any sign of my gentle father gone.

"Okay father" I agreed as I walked away slightly disappointed that our conversation was cut short.

I don't get to spend much time with him, he was always so busy and moments where we would talk were precious to me.

Maybe I did act childish when he was around. I looked to my left and saw a group of kids playing, flying around and laughing.

I never got that, my father never let me converse with the other kids and I never got to be around him when I was younger.

But I loved him so much, my father, the father.

I continued to walk slowly getting further and further away from home.

Go to the edge

My feet began to move on their own as I found myself standing by the edge, I had no idea what I was doing.

I realised where I was and wanted to move away. I tried to make my legs move but the wouldn't budge. I wanted to scream for my father and beg for his help but my mourn wouldn't open.

It was as if I was under someone else's control.

I stared down past the edge my wings spreading as I felt an intense longing to see what was down there.

Move! Fly!

My wings itched as I felt the urge to give in, I had no idea where this voice in my head had come from and I wanted to run to my father and jump into his arms. I wanted to get away so I could be safe.

"The edge is dangerous Eren! How many times have I told you this? If I catch you here again you will be punished!"

I knew this was dangerous and no matter how hard I tried I couldn't get away.

"No I can't! It's to dangerous for an angel they'll find out!" I whisper yelled to myself thinking of the humans that inhabited the earth, they couldn't handle the divinity.

I'm sorry
I love you

I felt weight against my back, like two hands shoving me and I fell.

My wings did not help me at all because I flipped over and over again in some sort of summersault, hurtling closer to the surface at a drastically fast rate. 

I desperately tried to open my wings and I struggled against the wind as I plummeted towards the ground, a feeling of panic and dread settling in as I continued to fight against the high force of wind.

I was going so fast and that only made the winds worse. I almost flipped myself over completely my wings opening slightly as the ground came into view, I couldn't remember a time where I had felt so terrified.

My heart beat faster than it ever had and I gasped as I noticed how close I was to the ground and the little time I had to save myself.

I used all my strength to fight against the winds and opened my wings at the last second, causing pain to explode over them as they smashed back at an unusual angle.

But I still hit the ground hard, tumbling over myself, scraping against the ground and eventually smacking myself into something. I had it the surface so hard that I became dizzy, everything around me became blurry and my vision darkened.

Pain tore throughout my body as I attempted to move, only to give up instantly and winced.

My wings ached and my body felt like it had been ripped into a million pieces and my head pounded as my sight died and I passed out.

Okay so here's the edited outro! I hope you guys enjoyed this edited version of chapter one, it's heaps different than the first though.

I figured I'd leave the old outro there and you guys can decide if you want me to keep it or get rid of it by yourselves :)

Anyways let me know what you think.

As always love you all

Sooooo I know for a first chapter that was short.
I'm not sure how this story will go but I really like it!
If you like it please comment vote and share it with your friends! Also check out my other stories! I'd really appreciate it!!!

Stay classy my anime freaks! Xxx

His fallen angel- Ereri-BxB (updated)Where stories live. Discover now