6 town

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Eren's POV

Mikasa left in a hurry, she was clearly upset and I wanted to go after her and comfort her but I could bring my legs to move, all I could do was stand there with tears falling from my eyes and down my face in rivers. My shoulders shook as I cried, I covered my mouth to silence the noises as best I could.

He's my father! How could he do this to me? Why would he do this? I'm his son!

I wiped my eyes trying to get rid of the tears taking in a few deep breaths. Just as I got my breathing under control the door opened and Mikasa walked in, her hair was a mess and it was obvious she had pulled at it, her eyes were red and her cheeks were visibly wet. She walked over sitting next to me and handed me a box of tissues, she laid her head on my shoulder and grabbed my hand, giving me a small squeeze.

"I'm sorry, I know that was a lot. I wish you didn't have to find out this way, in fact I wish it never happened at all" she whispered softly lifting her head from my shoulder to look at me with compassion clear in her eyes.

I gave her a sad smile thanking her before I wrapped my arms around her and felt my tears start to resurface.

Don't cry Eren. Everything will be okay.

My eyes widened a bit and I jumped a bit as the voice sounded in my head again, I must have startled Mikasa because she pulled away from me momentarily and gave me a questioning look.

"What?" She asked curiously tilting her head to the side, placing a hand on my shoulder.

"I keep hearing this voice inside my head, I heard it before I fell and when I woke up. It led me to the hereafter. Do you know who it could be or why I'm hearing it?" I asked slightly confused and fearful, she looked at me with a thoughtful expression just staring for a moment.

Mikasa just sat there in silence for a minute, she didn't say anything and just continued to look at me as she though. After a few minutes she shook her head and sighed. "Sorry Eren, I can't think of anyone" she said sounding disappointed.

"They tell me what to do. When I fell, it felt like I was pushed and right before I fell they told me they were sorry and that they loved me" I whispered trying to figure out who it was inside my head, I was scared I had gone crazy.

She nodded slowly and shrugged, ruffling my hair before standing up and moving to the door. "You should get some sleep Eren, we'll figure everything out soon" she whispered before she left, closing the door behind her gently.

So I slept.

A couple days had past and now we were walking once again, we couldn't risk walking on the side of the road during the day because there were to many people around. When it was daylight we stayed in certain buildings on properties that I'd assume didn't belong to Mikasa, we just chose random ones that didn't appear to be in use and we sent Annie in before everyone else so she could make sure the place was safe and secure.

We would sleep during the day, taking shifts on keeping watch and when no one could sleep we would plan out which roads to take, which properties to shortcut through and we estimated how long it would take for us to reach our next destination.

I had never in my life walked so much or traveled so far. It was crazy to think about it.

We had gone through many different towns and each one had something new and exciting to offer.

At one town their was an inn full of half breeds, Mikasa knew the owners and we got two free rooms.

That was the best sleep I had the entire trip, and I longed to lay on a bed again but for now we were walking on the road again, in the dark and I'm the silence. I guess none of us had anything to say really.

His fallen angel- Ereri-BxB (updated)Where stories live. Discover now