Chapter 2: The truth

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"Jennifer?" I say weakly choking back a few tears. "Wh-what are you doing here?"
"I missed you, I thought maybe we could... catch up..." She said with a weak smile on her face.
"It's been 15 years. Why do you want to catch up NOW?!" I say sadly with a little hostility in my voice.
"David... It's just a that I-I..." She stoped and closed her eyes, I could tell that she was also fighting back tears. She took a deep breath in and looked up at me straight into my eyes. I could tell she was overwhelmed and just needed some comfort from an old friend. I took her by the hand and pulled her in for a warm hug. I wrapped my arms around her waist while she draped her arms over my neck and buried her head into my chest. She then let all the tears flow freely,
she sobbed softly into my chest and I just brought her closer and hugged her tighter. I slowly moved her into the house closing the door behind me. I brought her to the couch and sat her down gently, her head was still buried in my chest. I looked down and she had stopped crying, her eyes were shut. I put my hand on her chin and moved her head up gently so that she could look me in the eyes. Wow, I had forgotten what beautiful eyes she had. They were an ocean blue color,  her eyes glimmered in the light. It felt as though they shone right through my soul. I missed those beautiful eyes.
"What are you really doing here, Jen?" I said weakly, my voice crackling a bit. She took a deep breath and whipped the tears from her tear stained cheeks. "I couldn't help myself..." She said with a sigh while breaking our hug.
"W-what do you mean?" I said with a confused yet sad look on my face.
"It's a pretty long story." She said with a weak chuckle and looked down to where her hands were perfectly folded into her lap. I put my hand on her chin and lightly moved her head so she could face me once again. "Jen, I always have time for you." I said with a weak smile on my face.

Jennifer's POV:

David had leaned in and planted a gentle kiss on my forehead, making me blush slightly. He looked down on me and smiled, which made me smile too. I sighed, savoring the special moment we had.
"Jen?" I snapped out of my day dream.
"Yeah?" I asked with a confused tone.
"You gonna tell me why you're here?" He said chuckling.
"Oh yeah, well it all kinda started a few weeks ago. I was in my car driving to work, I was listening to the radio. When the song "I'll be there for you" started playing, I started to look back on everything that happened while we were filming "friends" and I just missed it... I missed you. I remembered when  we both had liked each other when we were shooting season 2. We had so much history together, David." I looked down, tears were threatening to flow but I didn't let them. I took a deep breath and continued. "I thought about how stupid I was to lose contact with you, I mean I still talk to Lisa and Courteney... but I don't know why I don't talk to you, Matty and Matt anymore. Oh god. We've been friends for ten years and I somehow manage to screw things up." I bury my face into my hands, waiting for a response from David but I get nothing, he is silent. A few moments later I feel two strong arms wrap around me and pull me close, I look up and David is staring at me dead in the eye.
"You didn't screw things up Jen. We all knew quite well that it was going to be difficult to stay in contact after the show ended, it doesn't mean that we don't want to see each other anymore. Life just gets in the way of these type of things." He says with a sincere voice. God have I missed his voice. "Hm yeah. Thank you for listening." I say as I snuggle up closer to him. "Anytime." He says, planting a kiss on the top of her head.

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