Fire? | CH 1

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__________First Person Point of View__________

    I abruptly woke up on the branch of my favorite cherry tree to the sound of screaming, both near and far, as well as a strong lingering smell of smoke in the air. I sat up and glanced around, confused. I see a large orange and yellow glow coming from the direction of a nearby village as rapid panicked footsteps approach and pass in fear. "I wonder what happened..?" I Thought while watching the passing humans. "This should be interesting to watch..." I then stand up and jump from tree to tree, making my way to the village.

     I sit in one of the many old trees surrounding the village which was currently ablaze. Basic Yokai was running around, killing any and all survivors that they could find.  "Poor humans.. so fragile and weak..." I mutter to myself, watching bored. "The Yokai seem to be acting differently than in a normal human raid like they are looking for something..?" I think to myself.

    "Are you one of the survivors?" Says a low gruff voice. I look down from my spot on the branch to see an Ogre Yokai. I grin jumping down, "And what if I am~?" I tilt my head, watching for a reaction. He lifts his heavy wooden club, then charges in my direction. While charging, he swings his heavy club at me.  I jump away just before it hits the ground where I was with a thundering crash.

    "That's mean! I could have got hurt!" I smile at the Yokai, "It has also guaranteed your death." I could feel my aura growing darker and colder "do you know who I am?" I ask him, not really expecting an answer. He growls, "Don't toy with me!!" he swings his club at me again. Instead of dodging this time, I catch it, glaring. "I am the third strongest Yokai known to this world, and you have made yourself my enemy." I grin wildly at the ogre.

    A black flame lights on the club, and makes its way to his hands. It catches onto his hands before he can even grasp the situation. He screams dropping the club, as he tries to put the flame out. "Too late~ after it touches something it won't stop until its gone, or the caster cancels it."

    "is that so?" A new voice says, seeming amused. I quickly glance around, then I look up at one of the only houses not burning. A male Yokai with long white hair and ears and a tail to match.
He'd be wearing a kimono holding a sake cup, calmly taking a sip.

    "Master Tomoe!" the Ogre Yokai looks at the male, seeming to be relieved. The fox Yokai looked to have other plans for the Ogre Yokai. The fox looks at the Ogre with a look of frustration.

    "have I not told you to stay out of my way?!" he glares at the Ogre.  he throws a blue fireball at the Ogre while exclaiming, "Foxfire!" He watches, amused to see the Ogre burn. He soon turns his attention back to me. "And who might you be?"

"I have many names, demon, daughter of darkness, the dark death...but I prefer [Y/N]"

The Wolf and the Fox | Tomoe x F! ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now