Path of destruction |CH. 4|

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I'm not sure how long it has been since I left the village but I know it has been a few days, and I am not sure how far from konetetsu I am but the smell of smoke no longer lingers in the air, and ashes no longer coat the ground.
I should be nearing Yotsuya village now.
Yotsuya village is a growing yokai village, fairly new for yokai and yet it is bigger then most of the other yokai villages.

Yotsuya village was large enough to withstand a yokai attack like the attack on konetetsu village.
konetetsu village was a small farming village with the a low population and not much to offer, which makes me wonder why such powerful yokai like that would even bother acknowledging it, let alone going through the trouble of gathering a group of yokai together to raid it...

My train of thought was interrupted by the crackle of a flame, and the strong, overwhelming scent of smoke filled air.
It also seemed unnaturally hot, and only seemed to be getting more hot.
That being said, I continued jumping forward, from branch to branch.

Soon enough, the once live brown bark of the trees, were scorched black along with the leaves.
The further I went, the more of the tree that was scorched, some was still on fire, I tried to avoid them best I could as the trees and branches I was on now were unstable enough.
Most of the ground below was scorched black as well, matching the now dying trees.
Any signs of life that was here before was long gone now.....

This was bound to be the herd of gathered up yokai from konetetsu village.
So they weren't after anything other then blood, that's why they came to such a small village, there was no one who could fight back there...
They were killing anything they could, and burning everything else. And leaving a path of destruction in their wake.

The herd of yokai had seemed to split into separate groups over time, as their was different trails.
This proved they did seem to have someone or something leading them and holding them together, and after their leader left they disbanded.

'Had their leader had enough blood shed...? No I doubt it....then did they have another reason for the raid...?'
The more I thought about it the more questions I had, and the more curious I got...

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