Yotsuya Village |CH.5|

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I stirred away from the broken and dying part of the forest, and more towards the green and wildlife filled part of the forest.
Not because it bothered me that much, but because most of the trees and their branch's were now unstable and ready to collapse at any second, and I really didn't want to get covered in ash and soot more then I already had, it would make me stand out when I get to Yotsuya village.

Yotsuya village was a more upbeat kind of village, a village for the wealthy. It had a large population of Yokai, some inhabitants and some just visiting. It got a lot of visitors and tourists coming from all around. Yotsuya village is located in a dense spruce forest, and is rich in culture of all kinds.the forest surrounding it is home to many different kinds of Yokai,wildlife, and plants!

Lost in thought I didn't notice the sound of distant chatter, or how it seemed to be getting closer and closer. I was snapped out of my thoughts once I realized I had already arrived at the edges of the village. It was about mid-day, which was the most busy time for almost every village. This part of the village was not as loud as the more popular areas of the village, that being said it still had twice the population as the village I had been staying at and was a bit to crowed for me.

I stayed in the trees for as long as I could, making my way to the tree line. Once I got as close as I could, I jumped down. I dusted myself off best I could, and with one more disapproving look at my clothes I walked to the nearest street.

Yotsuya village was a big enough village to with stand a Yokai attack as small as the one on my village, so the small groups of Yokai that had come from the attack would be no problem at all. Yotsuya village also has more protection then my village, and would be harder to get to due to the dense surrounding forest.

I kept my head low, in a attempt to draw as little attention as I could in the large crowds, I would earn a few annoyed looks or a growl here or there due to me accidentally bumping into someone, but other then that I made my way around everyone just fine. I decided it would be much safer to rent a room for tonight rather then sleeping in a tree as I had previously been doing. I maneuvered my way through the crowd to the closest inn I could find.

(Sorry for the long wait! I have been working on my first original book, and as I'm sure you know it takes a lot of time, work, and effort!  I will be working on getting updates out faster and improving my writing quality! Also feel free to ask me any questions, and let me know if you would like to see my original book!)

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 31, 2020 ⏰

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