5. "What now?"

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|Katsuki's POV|

Ughhhh... I feel like I'm still in a dream but I was awake. I tried to feel sun but I couldn't. So I assumed it was dark. Trying to force myself to wake up, I felt incredibly pain all over my backs.

It felt horrible and I didn't want to make may further move. But I needed to. There is a reason why werewolfs are sleeping at day. First is because, on day, animals are awake. Humans too but that's not important.

Animals consider us as their gods or something like that. Cause werewolf are part animals, part humans. So animals usually, when we are sleeping outside, help us wake up when danger is next to us.

They would do any loud noises which would help us wake up just in time to protect ourselves. Of course it doesn't work all time but is not that rare either. Second, the more important, is because monsters are always active at night when humans sleep.

They feel more powerful and protected at night. Monsters are awake at day too, of course cause they don't get tired, but they are not usually hunting or anything. They are hiding in their homes or something. And the point is, monsters don't like werewolfs really much so is better to be awake at night.

Kre-kre. Kre-kre. Kre-kre.

Geez....? What kind of crazy noise is that?! Fuck. I need to fucking get up. God knows which hour is it?!

I was opening my eyes really slow and in some rhythm. I didn't have strength for anything else. When I opened them....I saw........Nothing?! Not nothing like nothing, more like nobody or anything like that. I was laying on a meadow next to some pond or something.

The noise I heard was from frogs in that pond. I guess. I was right about it that it was night. Fuck. What now?! I don't fucking know where the fuck I am?! How the fuck did I even get her-

Wait- Oh yeah! That half and half bastard! Mother fucking vampire! Where the fuck is he?! His mantle was here. He covered me up with it and the grass under me was little burned so I guess he did it to warm me up. Why?

Oh yeah. I also fucking noticed that I'm completely naked ( I only have that half and half bastard's mantle on me) and my fucking clothes was missing! I can't go anywhere like this.

I could hear other werewolfs talking little farther than 10 miles away. I started looking for anything that could use as a clothes. I stand up and started searching. The mantle was covering my whole body on which I was thankful. Actually it was even few inches longer so it was part of it on the ground.

Shoto was like 20 inches taller than me. If my suggestion is right. At least I'm not in heat anymore. That's one good thing in the sea of bad things. Good job Bakugou!


Something was bushing. Someone was coming. Damn! Great! Amazing! I really hope is not a vampire. I leaned back to see who is coming and tripped on Half and half bastard's mantle. But I didn't fall on the ground tho.

Someone catched me up. I raised my head to see who is it hoping that is someone from my village. But it wasn't. I mean it was. It was half and half bastard who finnaly showed up! Fucking asshole!

"Are you okay?"

"Why the fuck would you care!? Ha!? And where the fuck is my clothes?! And why am I here?! Ha?!"

He just looked at me. Like bitch, No! Don't stare at me! Talk to me!

"Sit down." What?!?! He told me to sit down?! Who is he?!?! God?!?! He continued staring at me so I listened to him just to stop the fucking tension in his eyes.

And my omega was begging me to listen to alpha so I did. When I sat down I saw a animal in his hands. It was a deer. Pretty deer actually. He throwed it at me and said:" Eat. I catched it for you. So you wouldn't die of hunger."

I was hungry actually. I lost all of.my energy on that freak. Well why not eat it. It's free. I didn't have to catch it. But it was a possibility that is poisoned. But why would he poisoned it? He had two chances to kill me already and he didn't. Well I will eat it. Because I have some respect I guess.

"Do you remember what happend last night?" He asked while I was eating.

"Of course I do asshole! I'm not an idiot!"

"Of course you are not..."

"What the fuck does that mean?!?!?!"

He got angry on that question. It was my defense I didn't meant to fire him up.

"Listen here idiot! You are unthankful little spoiled annoying brat! First of all, I'm not an asshole! Second, you should be thankful for your own life! Your are an idiot! You literally have a vampire, monsters that hate werewolfs the most, to have sex with you! You know that monsters, except werewolfs of course,doesn't get tired at all so I could have just killed you like that also I could have just sucked your whole blood while you were asleep. I could have let you stay here all alone souranded but tones of other monsters while you were deep in sleep. But I didn't do any of that! I even get you a breakfast and gave you my mantle to warm you up and you are still unthankful little shit!"

"Okay, Stop it! First of all I'm not stupid! Second I know very well that you could have killed me, and yes you bringed me breakfast but you won't yell at me and you won't give me orders!!! Okay!?!?!? I don't own you shit. You did it on your own will. I don't get it why but I AM THANKFUL for that! Okay?!?!?!"

He actually stayed quiet at that. I continued eating and he just stared at me. It was weird. I felt like a pray. I didn't like it. I like feeling like a hunter but of course univers said no and made me into omega.

Shoto was not only staring at me, he was also checking me out. Like I was some kind of toy or something. I pretended like I didn't see it but I did. I didnt like it.

|Shoto's POV|

He was eating that deer really intense. He really was hungry. I knew it. After last night, he definitely gonna need to gain a lot of energy. While he was eating I was checking his body Trying to find anything that hurts him.

I figured out that his backs and asshole hurts him by the way he was moving. It was a weird atmosphere because I was staring at him but I couldn't help it. I don't know what's wrong with me. I just can't get my eyes of him. It's impossible. Every time I try I just memoriese his face in my mind and I just....

"Thanks for the meal."

Ughhhh? He said thank you?! I feel so proud right now I don't know why. It was awkward for couple of next moments cause I didn't know what to say on that. I was shocked and overwhelmed.

"You are welcome. Need anything else?" Did I broke the tension? I hope so.

"Water." He answered so calmy. I feel so amazing and I don't know why?!?!?!?! I didn't expect he would answer.

"Here you go." I had a feeling he would say that so I found a human, my breakfast, and ate him. I also stealed some water from him. Well he won't need it anymore. He is bad. Horrible thing.

"You know, you still didn't told me where my clothes is."

"I took it so you couldn't ran away."

"You know I can turn into wolf and ran away like that?!?! And who gave you rights to do that?!?!?!"

"Calm down. Here it is." I gave him his clothes. He took it really angry with no hesitation.

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