The Vampire King is my Dad?!

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" Sooooo......" I say shifting uneasy glancing at the door once more wishing Ash wore here. " My favorite colors are blue and black." I blurt out to fill the silence, he doesn't look amuse but says.

" I am Oliver." I stick out my hand but he just stares at it, finally I let it drop but down to my side.

" I'm Isabel Night or Moon? I'm 15 my birth days October 14, I was born 1997 and I was born in...well I thought I was born in California but guess I was born here."

" Your are not here to get to know me Isabel I only wish to speaks to you about what Amelia told you." I nod and try to hold back the tears I feel rising. " Please take a sit." He jesters to the couches, I sit in front of him.

" What did she tell you?"

" To be carefully." I say. " My mother, how was she?" I ask before I can stop myself.

" Your mother was a beautiful woman. She was graceful and very powerful. In time I grew to love her greatly."

"What was her name?" I see his face soften and hardness quickly

" Elizabeth. You are very much like her. " He says sadness in his eyes, but the become cold once again. " Your mother was powerful but you are ten times more." I shake my head frowning.

" I'm not I can only control the elements." I say.

" Only my dear have you meet anyone else how can do that?" I shake my head. " That is because you are the only one my child. Their are a billion witches and vampires but you my dear are one of a kind. you have the magic of natural it's self plus the strength and speed of a immortal, you are not weak my dear you are very far from it. You well need that with the things to come my dear. You well have to make sacrifices that you may not like but if you don't you will lose all. "

" Well I stop aging?"

" That is unknown dear but you well need blood. you well also be able to compale."

" Comparison?" He nods.

" You have the power to destroy the whole world if you wished my dear." I shake my head.

" Well I don't"

" I know that my dear, have you ever heard the phrase the eyes are the windows to the soul." I nod.

" Well your soul is pure and kind but I do tell you this do not let your emotions get in the way. Now go you need rest and I have loads to do." I get up waiting for...something anything but he just gets up and walks away. I turn and walk out the room, slamming the door behind me. I turn to the left hallway don't even take five steps in when I' on my knees crying. I'm crying so hard that I don't hear the footsteps into they're right in front of me. I wipe my eyes and look up to see Alex there. He leans down and kisses my forehead. " Ash is three doors down that way." he says pointing further down the hall and starts walking away.

" Where's my room!"

" Ask Ash." He says walking away, I shake my head and just sit there. I hug my knees to my chest and look at the wall in front of me. Finally I get tired of just siting there and go looking for Ash. I'm stand there in front of his door for a while debating and decide to walk away when the door opens. I turn back and look at him. " Hi."

" Hi" He says stepping into the hall and closing his door. " Let's go take a walk." I nod and we walk down the stairs into a hall with lot's of rooms. we turn to the right and though huge glass doors to end up in a garden.

" It's beautiful. I say looking around. There is ever type of flower here, all over the place it looks like a jungle of flowers with path ways leading you deeper in. We walk in silence, we reach a fountain with light on it eliminating the whole area. We walk further into the maze, I look at the ground to see it to is covered with flowers. the moon light makes this place look exotic and magical. " What's your favorite flower?" Ash ask causing me to jump in surprise of his voice.

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