The Scroll

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" Hey, wake up." Ash rubs his eyes and sees Alexander standing in front of the bed, he looks over to see Isabel asleep not a peaceful sleep, she's shaking and weeping in her sleep. " Let's go outside." Ash nods and carefully gets off the bed. They step out into the hot desert sun it's a surprise this sun does not burn them, without the ring it surly would.

" What is it?" Ash say yawning and closing the door behind them, Alexander starts pacing back and forth.

" I went to Cairo yesterday."

" I figured." Ash says.

" We need to go to El Giza."

" And why do we need to go there."'

" From what I learned in Cairo it's one of the oldest."

" And?"

" And it holds our history or at least it should. I've heard legends about it, how supposedly the first vampire wrote our history in it."

" And if it's true..."

" It well have the answers to our deaths." He nods feeling hope, he has began t feel weaker soon he'll be as weak as a human and then there'll be nothing left.

" Another thing," Alexander say stopping to turn to face Ash face to face," When are you going to tell her."

" When the time is right." Alexander laughs.

" There is no right time to find out your boyfriends a monster."

" That's in the pass." He snaps.

" Perhaps but it happened nother the less. You will tell her." He sigh and drops the cold act. " She is my sister I care for her greatly I do not wish to see her in pain. She is as pure as a white dove Ash, she may not be able to forgive you but you but tell her. As I said her soul is pure do not ruin that do not ruin her." He clutches his jaw in anger, in shame, in guilt. His pass is not a light one he has done thing that are unforgivable. She is the first thing in a long time that has brought true emotion into his life. She is like a white rose in the middle of a dozen black that represent his mistakes and guilt. But he must tell him, she will most likely hate him but he must tell her.

"I'll tell her." He says and walk back into the room closing the door behind him. He lays next to her, looking at her whimper and shake in her sleep. He hardly sleeps their screams haunt him. He rubs her cheek with his thumb. His love, his angel, he can not bare the thought of her hating him. She shifts closer so she in his arms. He kiss her forhead," Mi plucher angele." He mumbles into her hair.

" What's it mean?" She whispers.

" My beautiful angel."

" It sound beautiful." She says smiling up at him, he wish nothing more then to freeze this moment right her right now. To be able to stare into her breath taking blue eyes for all time. She be able to stay here with her in his arms. " You should teach me Latin." He laughs, the laugh that he so rarely gives.

" I love it when you laugh." She says, he shifts away.

" We need to get up." He says and climes off the bed, she turns around but not before he see the sadness in her eyes. He should apologies but he can't not now probably not ever.


I grab my phone from under the pillow and go into the restroom, I set my phone next to the sink. It starts playing Nobody's Home by Avril Lavigne. I slowly peal my cloths as I think how much this song matches me. I sing alone as I put on a red and black school girls skirt with a black lace tank top, my zipper boots, and m leather jacket. I don't bother with makeup so I just wash my teeth and face, I brush my hair into a ponytail. I look into the mirror and see that I look the same excepted for the fade tips of my hair that now look orange/brown. The look in my eyes has gone from sad to totally depressed, I have a reason though. I shake the thought away I will not think about her not jet. I Open the door Ash and Alex are leaning against the wall, Ash pushes of and takes a step tortures me. " You okay?"

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