Meeting Amelina

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"Isabel!" He calls after her but he knows she's already gone. He sits there listening to the waterfall. He let her get to close, he had to push her away but it wasn't supposed to hurt this bad.. He knew he was doing the right thing, but it hurt so much to see those unshed tears in her eyes. He did not want to hurt her but he could not get distracted. He finally gets up and heads to his room to see Cameron fast asleep. He takes off his black jeans, his T-shirt, and shoes, leaving only his boxers on. He falls asleep only to end up in the white forest she created. And to his luck she's sitting right there yelling at the forest that she should hate him and how much she should want to never talk to him, and she brakes into sobs saying how much she hates that she can do neither. All he wants to do is go over to her and tell her he's sorry. He wants to hold her, but he can't, he shouldn't, yet he starts walking torwards her, luckily his phone rings before she can see him coming. "Hello?" he asks rubbing his eyes only to find tears in them.

"Dear brother of mine, did I wake you?'

"What do you want, Alexander? It's too early for this."

"Can't your brother just want to check up on you without thre being a reason?"

"No, not you. So what do you want?" Alexander chuckles into the phone.

"We need you to hurry up, the PCK have picked up on the fact that vampires are falling dead out of no where." Ash swears into the phone. The PCK stands for the Paranormal Killing Crew. There are more then vampires and witches, but above all they really don't like vampires.

" I will be meeting Amelia tomorrow."

"Wait for me at the school, we will both be going."

" We?" he asks pushing himself off the bed.

"Yes, we. Father wants to make sure you do this right. We can't afford a mix up." He growls into the phone. "Relax, it's nothing personal."

"Very well, but someone will be accompanying us."

"And who would that be?"

"Isabel, will be the girl taking us to Amelia."

"The daughter?"

"No, she's friends of the family. They are very well equated."

"Very well, brother. I will meet you at the front gate." They hang up and Ash lays back down. His thoughts drift to Isabel and the moments he's been spending with her. From the moment he looked into her ocean blue eyes, he knew he was falling for her. He doesn't know her history with her family but he knows something big happened there. Behind her cheerful smile is a lot of pain, how other people do not see the pain in her eyes he does not know. He can see it a mile away for he feels the pain caused by family. He grows tired and decides to fall back asleep. He should have stayed awake.

"There you are." He turns to see a steaming hot Isabel sitting on the bench. And by steaming hot he means she was literally on fire. He takes a step back, she blinks and is back to normal. "Sorry, I was upset." He nods and takes a seat next to her. He looks over at her and sees she's been crying but something tells him it wasn't because of him.

" What's wrong?" he asks generally concerned, she shakes her head.

" Why should I tell you?" He thinks about it for a moment letting the snow settle around them.

"Because I am the only one here to talk to." She stays quite for a while watching as the snow falls onto the ground. He does not know why she chose a white forest when she first appeared here. For a while he considers despairing when she finally says,

"Family problems."

He sees her hesitate before continuing, " My mother called me to her last night to tell me that she and my father are arguing again about who gets to keep the boys. Gosh, they should just send them to me. I'm more of a parent to them than they ever were. I raised them, I feed them, clothed them, and made sure they got to and from school okay. Mother was always working, my dad was a goddamn druggie who was never around and when he was, it was to beat the crap out of mother and me. Finally mother sent his ass to jail, he came out straightened himself out. He got a job, a girlfriend who gave him a kid. I was living with mom until he got out then we went with him. The fact that my father was gone didn't change mother. She was still always out so we never saw her, it was all on me. My parents both hate me, my dad tries to hide it but mom doesn't. She shows it clear as day. I never did anything or went anywhere." She looks at me unshed tears in her eyes. " My first birthday party was for my fourteenth birthday and I didn't even get a fifteenth birthday." She starts sobbing," I've always been so independent and guarded, but sometimes I get so tired at playing the adult. Which is why I came here, to escape my family but they still call 24/7 and ask me to do stuff. Sometimes I can't even believe they're my parents. I get so tired of being this strong, independent girl." She's crying so hard now she can hardy talk, without thinking he takes her in his arms letting her cry on his shoulder. She holds him like if she let go she'd be lost forever but her grip loosens and she straightens. "But when I decided to let someone in, it has to be a jerk like you," she says getting up and glaring down at him. He sits there silently not sure what to say, he knows what it's like to have to pretend to be strong and guarded all the time. He should have just stayed away from her.  

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