Masquerade Ball

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 A/N Hope you enjoy this chapter I'll update as soon as possible and once again sorry for my crappy spelling. Please vote and comment! Love you all, Good night! Well at least it's night here and I have school tomorrow, so goodbye.

I suck in a breath as the lady helping me ties the corset of my dress. She finishes and steps way letting me look at myself. My dress it bared shoulders with longs sleeves, it's a blood red dress with gold on the bottom for the sleeves making it look like fire and along the bottom of the dress, the lace of the corset is red but the corset it's self is gold.

I'm wearing a long pear of gold stone earrings and a necklace with a single golden rose on it. My shoes are  gold 6 inch high heels and my hair is up in a half bun, curly with my bangs and tips redyed red as to look like blood. I move my curly bangs out of my face to look at my gold eye shadow, pitch black eyeliner, mascara, and my blood red lips. I put on my mask that matches colors with my dress, it only covers my face from my nose and above. I walk around my room feeling my heels out, I don't wear heels too often but when I do they aren't 6 inches tall.

" Leo?" I say to the guys that was assigned to help me. He's about trap in his twenties with blond hair and strong built body his eyes are brown and his about 6 feet tall.

" Yes ma'ms?"

" What do I do now." I asks siting down on the couch facing the fire place.

" You must wait for your escort ma'ma."

" Who's my escort?" I asks but before he can answer Ash walks into the room.

" You are dismissed." He says to Leo who nods and walks out closing the door behind him.

" So your my escort."

" I am but I here to ask what is wrong with you?"

" What gives you the idea that something is wrong?" He flashes in front of me and wipes my eye to relieve a tear. I was crying and I didn't even realize it.

" Do not dear tell me your okay or fine, because you would be lying. You have been doing nothing but crying for the past few days. And I know that it is not about Amelina or Oliver it is not about the PCK hunters or the waiter. I know there is something more going on Isabel. When I look at you I see nothing but guilt why? Why have you been crying yourself to sleep why have you bee yelling and screaming in your sleep."

" It's a secret, my secret." I whisper what I tell everyone when they ask me the same thing.

" You can tell me." No I can't, yes you can go my gosh conscious would you just shut up!

" It was our birthday, we were out front in our yard mother was at work and dad was who knows where. Our little brother Carlos was asleep inside, so I went to check on him. Then I heard a scream outside. She was gone I was only gone for a minute and she was gone. I yelled her name over and over again but I didn't find her. The neighbors called the cops, and the cops called mother. She came home yelling at me that I killed her she died because of, I saw pure hatred in her eyes dad just went down hill straight to the drugs. I raised Carlos and then Alex when he was born, my parents hated me. And don't you dare say they don't because they do when they look at me it's nothing but hate. the only reason they kept me around was because they were to messed up to take care of my brothers. I was only gone for a minute." I say braking into sobs.

" It was not your fault." Ash says looking at me.

" Yes it was I was the oldest I was supposed to take care of them." I says.

" No your where only 5 how could your parents leave you alone with two children."

" I don't know but they did and I lost her. I lost Rosey and I don't know if she's alive or dead." I says choking out the words crying so hard.

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