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              (This story may or may not be sensitive to the viewers. Viewer Discretion is advised)

The young boy was shoved against the fence, the impact causing his glasses to fall off his face. They fell to the ground and shattered, the scattered pieces of glass covering the ground. He felt the fence make lines onto his skin, but he didn't care. This seemed to anger the group of kids in front of him even more. The leader of the group fisted the young boy in the gut, making him collapse to the ground and spit out blood. The group left with satisfied grins on their faces. 

The boy grabbed the remains of his glasses and examined them closely. There was too much damage, it couldn't be fixed. He barely managed to get back onto his feet, before collapsing again. He heard the sound of hurried footsteps in the distance, getting closer and closer with every passing second. He saw the familiar battered black vans, and looked up to meet eyes with his only friend. 

"They hurt you again, didn't they?" She whispered.

She placed her books down onto the ground and grabbed his shoulders. With as much strength as she could muster, she pulled him up onto his feet and supported him until he was able to stand on his own. She grabbed her books and the both of them made their way back to their homes. 

Four years later, the girl who helped him left him as well. When he had found out, he dropped the glass of wine in his hand and began to sob. The one who had helped him. The one who was there for him. The ONLY one...She was gone. And she was never coming back.

                                                        His heart shattered into a million pieces.


A/N: Alright, so before I explain to everyone what this one was about. I will make a Author's note at the end of every chapter to help people understand them. If you don't want to read this, then you don't have to. The only reason why I do this is because I understand some people aren't used to stories which are more symbolic or metamorphically written than others. That's fine.

So, this story was named "Broken" because I added many scenes where things had shattered. First the boy's glasses, the wine glass, and finally his heart. I also want to say that the beginning of this started when he was in High School. So yes, he was able to drink. I should have made that more clear, sorry about that.

Anyways, I hope all of you are doing fantastic! Next chapter will be more positive, I promise my dear readers. Peace!


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