I'm sorry.

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(This one contains quite a bit of mature content. There will be blood, and I suppose I can consider this gore as well. Please don't read this one if it sounds like it is too much for you!)

The edge of the knife cut into my flesh, leaving behind a trail of blood. I didn't care though. Was it because I hated myself?

Or was it because I couldn't feel anything?

I felt no pain as the knife continued to harm my skin. The blood was now dripping onto the carpet in my room. It stained the floor in its beautiful red. I looked down at the blood with unsatisfaction. It wasn't enough. I needed so much more than that pitiful amount. I began to cut deeper and deeper, losing blood quicker than before. I began to laugh maniacally as my vision started to blur. Everything. It was finally going to end!

Or so I thought.

I heard the sound of my bedroom door open, slamming against the wall. A pair of arms wrapped around me, preventing me from doing anymore damage to myself. I looked up, and saw my friend crying. Holding me in his arms. I suddenly realized what I was doing, and I couldn't help but cry too. I can't believe I tried to run away. I can't believe I tried to leave him behind.

I wrapped my arms around him, whispering and trying to comfort him.

I'm sorry.

A/N: Hello my dear readers!

This one was also pretty straightforward. Somebody is doing the usual, cutting. But this time, they can't stop from cutting and instead have this urge to kill themselves once and for all. Their friend hears them screaming and runs in to save them. Guilty, they apologized to their friend.

If you guys want something positive, please let me know. I'll be happy to do something like that for you. I understand depressing short stories isn't everyone's thing...

Anyways, thank you my dear readers! Peace!

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