Chapter 21

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Jessica's POV:

"I wish I didn't have to go into work today." Brianna frowns. "It's Saturday, like what is this bullshit?" She complains.

"I know right... I'll miss you." I pout.

"Hey, no being sad. You're too cute to be sad." She pulls me close to her, and kisses me. "Besides, we're going to have an amazing time tonight."

"We are. I can't wait to go out to dinner with you." I kiss her again. "You're so sweet."

"I am, aren't I?" She smirks. "But only to my girlfriend."

I still haven't gotten completely used to her calling me that yet. She's Brianna Steele. She doesn't do girlfriends, remember? I finally got to her though. After all my many attempts, she broke down. I guess she realized what she finally had. She realized what I've known all a long; that we're meant to be together. That we have something rare. Something that most people spend their whole life searching for. We're among the lucky ones really.

"I love it when you call me that." I tell her.

"I love calling you it." She pauses for a moment. "Jessica... You're the only one that I want."

Hearing her say it takes me by much surprise. Since we've been back together she hasn't even looked twice at another girl. I gave her rules for a few reasons. I don't want her to change for me. She is who she is. Love is about accepting the other persons flaws. The heart wants what it wants, and mine wants her.

"You don't know how long I've waited for that..." I reply.

"Well it's nothing but the truth, baby." She smiles. "So you'll meet me at the restaurant around 6:00?" She asks.

"Yup." I confirm. "Have a good day."

"You too Jess. See you later." She kisses me again before leaving.

Once she's gone, I decide to go back to my dad's apartment to start packing up my things. I already have quite a lot of stuff here, but I don't have everything. When I arrive there, my dad is sitting on the couch watching TV.

"Finally, you've brought my car back." His eyes are usually always glued to the TV screen, but he manages to look away briefly to give me one of his looks. I was supposed to return his car yesterday, but I got distracted with prom and all that. He can't blame a girl, it's only one of the most important days of her life.

"Sorry." I apologize. "But I need to talk to you about some stuff." Now was when I was going to break the news to him that I'm moving back in with Brianna.

"I've been thinking about a lot too, so come take a seat."

Even though a game is on, he shuts off the TV. I take a seat next to him.

"What is it?" I ask, worrying a bit. My dad is a typically healthy guy, but you never know. He could easily tell me he has cancer or something. He's really the only parent I have right now, I can't lose him.

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