c h a p t e r ✦ t e n

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"c'mon one more, do it for the gram!" zhane took yeet anothe self portrait with me, giggling as he pranced away, his crocs squeeckign as he weny up the staircase, turning so he to wink at me.

"kylei I'll be waiting in my room, it's time for your first nightly task!" He called , I could still hear the giggles in his voice as he disappeared from view Sharon glanced at me "good lick" she mumbled unlocking the door under the staircase and climbing into her bedroom.

As I acednded the stairs my heart began pounding against my chest, my breathing getting heavier and heavier. I entered his room, he sat on his bed, stripped down and wwearjng nothing but maroon five coloured satin robe. The entire room was lit by the many candles all around the room "are you ready?" his voice came out as a whisper, as he lifted a finger moitioning me closer to his bed

"wear this blindfolded" he whispers, moving hair behind my eats once I climbed into bed with him. "b-but h-h-how will I be able too see you" he smirked "I'm shy 😌😭🥺😔" he tied the fabric around my head, swiping some chapstick on my lips before letting out a sigh "get down on your knees" he instructed, easing me off the bed and into the floor.

My heart was thun-thun-thumping in my cheast, the thought of what we was about to make happen making my stomach churn with ainsighatty

"don't be nervous" as he spoke I culd hurr him rustling around with hi robe, I bite my trembling lower lop "I-I-I can't b-h-help it" he stroked my cheek, using his thumb to open my mouth widen

I squeeze my eyes shut as he began to put the most delicate part of his body into my mouth, I gagged once it reaches the back of my throat "he giggled, pulling out a bit and wriggling his toes against my tongue as I began sucking on them, at he same time gently tracking patterns on the soul of his foot with my nfingersnail

"oh, y/n!!!" His moaning grew louder as he shoved his foot deeprer into my mouth "yes!!!" he cried out, grabbing my the back of head, now trying shove all both of his feet down my esophagus

"d-did I do good?" Sain was laid back in his bed, a giant wet spot soiling his robe "you were amazing" he patted my head then Motions to the door "tmorrow night you'll be going to Howard" he spoke with a frown, his deep brown orbs beginnaing to tear up"goodnight Khalie"


"goodmorening y/n." Limabane greeted, fliping my cot over and dumping me harshly on the hrounf "what the quackery?" I sat up, looking at the brown hair boi in annoyance "time to go shooping!" He cheered dragging me to the bathroom "let me do your hair and maekup, I'm so tired of my harie chassing after a busted up, run down, bear-footed, discount version of the Jener girl" he swung the door open, revealing that all he bois were in the bathroom as well, showing together

each in their own separeate showers since there were six showers in total and in this one single bathrooon alone.

"eek! thers a girl i nthe bois's bathroom!!" lois screeched hurrying to grab a towekl to hide his body as liman began stripping me out of my hospital gown, "i didn't know you'd have tatoos" he helped me into one of thefiver bathrubs "i havent had a descend bathe since the hospital" he chuckles, beginning to wahs my hair.

after limaben bathed me he gave me my very own silk robe, it was green. i wore it as he did my hair and maekup, "now you look good enough for harie" he handed me a mirror so i could see

"bois, and y/n! its time forto go to the mall!" uncle simon called up the staits, limabeen quickly ran over to harrei clingnging to his arm as we all excited teh mansion

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"bois, and y/n! its time forto go to the mall!" uncle simon called up the staits, limabeen quickly ran over to harrei clingnging to his arm as we all excited teh mansion. i sat squished against the window in the back of the carridge, forced to sharing a seat with the brunette twins.

"wow kylie youre looking beautiful tofday!" niall's surprise complimetnted, made me clush, my whole face beginng to turn pomegranite red "t-t-t-t-t-thanks" he winked, turning back to see a sour faced zain staring at him.

"Papa Simon's going to the genltemans club downtown, just uber hoem" he handed a wads of cash to harry, naill, zayne, and even me, before giving a mere $20 bukk to the twins to shaer "sorry it's all i've got" he pealed out of the parking lot, leaving us all in a cloud of smoak.

"well bois, let's go shooping!" both zayne and niall grabbed one of my hands each as we entered the mall.

we did an entire shooping montage, complete with me trying on various normal and even outrageous outfits but picked out by the guys. but most important thing i bough tofday was my branad new lilac embroidered fila disruptors.

as we strutted through the food court, niall pointed over to the chicken place "i'm starving" he passed his shoppiong bags over to loise and limabeba, beofre leding the way.

nill froze in his spot gasping once he saw who the cashier was, her high ponytail and winged liner being a dead give away "*gasping for breathe* ariyahnnuh!" she flicked her eyes over to him "yuh yuh" she sang, whipping her ponytail around "welcome to kentucky's fried chicken, what do yuh want?" he quickly ordered a bucket of chieckn for himself before beignning to flirt with her

"what time are you off, we never got to hang out" she looked him over then the rest of us, befroe shes smile "my shift isover in five, i guess we can hang" niall cheered, jumping for joi.

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