c h a p t e r ✦ s e v e n t e e n

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"hey look, we're on tv!" Zayne comments as I enter the room,  "oh no" papa simon gasps, "bois, what have you done!" He sequels now blasting the volume as the reporters squawked on about the bois and i

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"hey look, we're on tv!" Zayne comments as I enter the room, "oh no" papa simon gasps, "bois, what have you done!" He sequels now blasting the volume as the reporters squawked on about the bois and i.

"I new it was a bad idea to bring the maiden on the red carpet of all olaces!" daddy, uhm, papa simon began ranting as he slapped his fists on the tbale making everyone quake

"but she is ours, we've all become one, on many occasions" limabean looked to me, with a heart half full of luv, the other half of course going to harild "not i" niall proudly boats to the group, making zain rub an eyebrow

"we need to fix this, shareol, get tmz on the tellie!!!" papa simon rose from his seat, snathing his cellulair device form the maid as they went upstairs who's office.

"master cowbell has sent a message" she announced reenterinf the room, looking over each boy before her eye landed on me "y/n meeds to pick of choosing one boi to be in a true public relations with, the master demands an answer by tomorrow morn" their eyes all shifted to me

"who will it be?" Limabean asks, looking nervously as sweet began to drip down his brow. I shrug 🤷‍♀️😔🥺😟😭 "I don't know who I want"

"I know one way to held you pick" harry winks.


harry led wveeyone upstairs to the bathroom, he snapped his fingers and limabean ran to his side, beginning to undress him as the other bois stripped down to their boxers

"I'll help you y/n" lewwy got punted away by both niall and zen who rushed to rip my clothes off my perfectly surgically enchanced body-ody-ody.

"I'll help you y/n" lewwy got punted away by both niall and zen who rushed to rip my clothes off my perfectly surgically enchanced body-ody-ody

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"kylie your so beautiful 😍🥺✨-" Zayne slapped limabean so hard all of the saliva in his mouth flew out "😤do.not.use.emojis.😡🤬when.you.tallk.👊💥to.my.girl.🦶kylie👅💦"

"No fighting! it's not cute" lewwy tried disciplingin his sibling, seeing as he was the eldest and if they were a kpop band he'd proabbly be the leader.

"i''m ready" I say, rogaineing there attention. hawwy turned on the shower, flinging off his boxers as he stepped in, "are you ready lads?"

we all got into the shower together, each boi showing me their dedication and commitment as they each took a turns with me.

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