Chapter 3: Unbecoming Revealtions

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I couldn't believe it but it was before my eyes. His amulet, which meant something more sins tee was at work. That would mean that I no longer was confined to my own power, but also his was able to be accesses it should I rise to the occasion. Of course that's what he meant when he told me that I knew what to do. We merged our powers as he was still separate in a sense. He held the untapped powers while I used what I felt was necessary. The only time I used a fraction of such prowess was when Mundus the demon king was being engaged in battle, five years ago along with the Angel Occupation. Now I hadn't used those powers, but now I wasn't so sure I knew it would lead to Cain giving them up and merging them with my being. We were one. That was odd, yet the feeling wasn't too bad. I wonder how he would act once he came out as my alter ego. It
might cause a spectacle should he decide to do otherwise than what was prescribed from our deal. I left the room to head on downstairs running right into Roni. "Woah what the fuck Ramier? You in a hurry?"

"I could say I wasn't but I am." I sputtered out. She stopped me as I was about to keep going. "Wait a minute. Your eyes are red yet I don't feel any power coming from you to create those bloodlust eyes. Why are you wearing an amulet?"

I batted her hand away in frustration. "Don't you ever mind. Stay out of it!"

Okay I shouldn't have said that, because Roni never backs down...ever. She took a swing at me and I let it near my face before it stopped several inches away from me as if an invisible force stopped her. She glanced at me in shock while I then straightened up. "I can't move." She managed to say.

"It's better you stop reacting. Hold on." I said flicking my hand.

Her punch continued but I had already moved out the way, letting her finish the move as she straightened back up. "How did you do that? I never saw you do that before. And does it have something to do with this look in your eyes?" She asked.

I shrugged in response and went to turn away and standing there was Vergil Sparda dressed in his blue trench cost giving us both a raised eyebrow look until he focused on my amulet then my eyes.

"So you too have been picking up on the influence of this portal." He mainly replied. "It's just happened to Dante and Tori. I'm surprised it hasn't disturbed you Roni. I would stay vigilant."

"This has nothing to do with the portal," I replied. "My inner demon did this after we talked. I have his abilities now as he merged his powers that I never used with my own power. So technically I just evolved to another stage for a Nephilim God. I think Supreme Nephilim God works for me. So I can't seem to figure this out. Any suggestions Vergil?"

"Hmm that's very odd, but I can bring up the instance when I returned to life and had my amulet along with my powers. I guess you and I are the only truly evolved Nephilim. That's odd yet intriguing. Come we'll discuss more about this as well as this portal cropping up in Limbo City."

Vergil led us Dow to the room he thought would be good to harness our abilities, which I just shrugged. I really didn't care, being half easy had a training ground, but that would not be conducive to them being that I kind of thrust them it out hence Roni, Tori and Dante evolving with their powers. As we sat down at the table that was to our right, a large open area for sparring battles with its lined up walled formation courtesy of Vergil who thought of the idea to train Neto, Claire and occasionally Lucien when he was living with us. Lucien went on his own tangent in those years as his rebellion rivaled even Dante's which was surprising but not quite. Can't say I didn't expect him to grow into the very man I was now. And he was just 20.

I glanced at Roni who had been quiet as Vergil had relaxed into the chair adjacent from her. "You cool Roni? I didn't mean to cause that little so called fist fight. Though you couldn't aim to save your ass."

"Keep talking and I will shoot you." She chided.

"Hmm I'm like Neo from the Matrix. I'll just stop it. So what's in your mind before Verge here starts his lecture."

Vergil made a motion to at against it but Roni immediately stopped him as she began to speak back to me.

"I don't think it's cool to be the underdogs again especially since I, Tori, and Dante worked our asses off to become Nephilim Gods/ess. It's like it was futile to do what we did since once again Vergil and you are ahead on your own little platforms of power."

I put it up to Vergil to say something being I could understand how she felt. It did seem a but unfair, but it wasn't a choice of ours since we had no way of turning back. Cain gave up his power willingly, and Vergil's inner hollow self just was slain by Vergil himself.

Vergil then sighed, tapping his finer on the table impatiently. "Roni you can stop feeling this way. It's useless. Living in the past never helped anyone, and it shall never do so. Now because you feel this way, it's time to focus on your current powers and upgrade yourself. Question your power and find where you sit with its abilities, then change their accuracy to your own suit and needs."

Vergil then turned to me. "So how did it come
you possess a amulet when you didn't when we fought before. Have you gone to do something with your inner power?"

"Hardly," I replied. "Cain gave up his powers to me willingly, but in return when it comes time, we will switch roles and he will come forth to help when necessary."

"Like a alter ego or something?" Roni asked.

"Yeah you could say that." I responded.

"Well tell me about Cain." Vergil asked pleasantly while I gave him a raised eyebrow, to then sigh in reply.

"Cain wasn't slain when I died. He gave me my power and the amulet he took to keep the secrets to my true potential. I had forgotten but too recently he showed he still had it. Now I have the full ability in a sense of wording to use his other parts of my power, but he knows it in totality."

"So you and Cain are cooperative?"

"Duh Vergil," I said rolling my eyes. He was a dunce today. "What he is, is similar to a partner who keeps your deepest secrets and tells no one. Now please tell me about the portal which was supposedly the main topic until you started asking long boring completely annoying questions."

"Keep your curt words to yourself Ramier. Remember you aren't the only one anymore." Vergil replied, his eyes blazing white and veins appearing on his face.

I ginned as my veins appeared on my face and I leaned in. "Is that a problem Vergil? Because if it is, I'll show you that your prowess will met with my own that will crush it. You rely on yourself and without a partner to show you the are in a shitstorm because you have no understanding. Only through trial and error."

Vergil smirked as well. "Then show me me mr. Know-It-All.

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