chapter one

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"And that concludes our tour. Feel free to explore the campgrounds for the rest of the day, but be sure to be in your cabins by ten." The instructor lady announced, standing proudly.

Everyone I have met in from my time riding the bus to this camp, all the way getting her have been one big ball of sunshine. Honestly, I don't see myself hanging out with any of these people outside of this camp. I didn't even want to come to this stupid place anyway, I'd very much not prefer horse shit all over me.

I just sighed and directed my attention to the most important building that I couldn't take my eyes off the entire tour.

The food court.

All my deepest fantasies of drowning in an endless supply of food would be satisfied there. It was my mission and duty to make sure of that. My mouth watered at the sight, taking in the assortments of tasty treats that would most likely disappear after being in my presence for a second.

And it seems I wasn't the only smart one.

As I turned around, I took notice of the swarm of hungry teenagers, making their way to my desired destination. If I didn't hurry, I would end up having to wait.

Oh hellll no. Nobody makes me wait for my food.

Pushing myself a bit harder, I successfully dragged myself up the hill, standing in my respectful place of the front of the line.

"Uh - Excuse me." A voice called out from beside me.

I turned my attention to meet eyes that were a striking shade of hazel. To contrast that, her hair was a very neutral blue and it was cut above her shoulder.

"Do you mind if I cut in here? I am starved." She asked politely, grimacing as if expecting my answer.

I stared at her blankly. If there was one thing that was not happening, it was this girl taking my food.Every bone in my body encouraged me to tell this girl to fuck off - to go find her own food but then my mother's words echoed in my head once more and I just grunted in response, my head bobbing up and down to form a curt nod.

Her face lit up and she flashed her stunningly straight teeth at me.

"Bless you." She groaned, placing her hand on my shoulder.

Where her hand was placed burned, causing me to wince and shrug off her touch.

I dislike human interaction.

"I'm Brooke by the way." She introduced, raising a perfectly manicured hand to mine.

"Uh Kimberly." I introduced.

"Wow you're like, really pretty." She complimented, her eyes scanning mine intensely.

I just watched her, wide eyed and confused.

Why is she speaking to me.

"Yeah, alright." I cringed, noticing it was my turn in line for food.

I grabbed a plate and began shoving the beautifully cooked meat onto my plate, Brooke following in my footsteps.

"Did you know that diabetes isn't caused by sugar intake but by the consumption of fatty foods? Pretty much everything on your plate qualifies. For all you know, you could even die."

I snarled.

"Where'd you learn that, Wikipedia?" As soon as I said that, her eyes furrowed, probably considering the fact that her sources could in fact be incorrect. "And even if I die from this, at least I'll have died with some good ass taste in food."

I shoved more rolls onto my plate than necessary at that. I tried to be civil but this bitch literally tried to make me lose my appetite.

"Fine. But don't come crying to me when your liver is failing." She smiled smugly, pouring ranch on her perfectly sculpted salad.

"And how is your diet any better? You're literally eating a plate of grass." My mouth turned up in disgust. "Do you know how many cows you just deprived their dinner of?"

She shrugged at me, smiling bitterly before backing out of the food line, having more than enough in her eyes.

After inspecting my plate and equating the amount of food on it to that of which the average human consumes on Thanksgiving, I smiled contentedly.


Before I could even look for a place to sit, an uncontrollable arm waved violently in the air. It immediately attracted my attention, leading my line of vision to my first acquaintance.

"Kimmy! Over here."

The nickname caused my blood to boil.

I need to remind her to never call me that again.

I approached their table slowly, not quite comfortable with the area yet.

"And this is Kimberly." Brooke continued, adding me to the conversation as I reached the table.

I begrudgingly sat myself next to Brooke and began to eat my food.

And never had I been so disappointed in my life.

My mouth turned upside down and my eyebrows lifted as I stared at my meal.

"What?" Brooke asked, leaning towards my face.

"It tastes kind of weird." I complained.

"You're such a baby." Brooke laughed.

Before I could argue with her, my attention was turned towards the entrance. I was so preoccupied by the sight in front of me that I drowned out Brooke's voice who was apparently introducing me to her friends formally.

A beautiful girl with dark gray hair and blue eyes entered the room. As if I was in a movie, for some reason I instantly felt drawn to her and as her eyes scanned the room, they landed on me.

She noticed my oggling and sent a polite smile my way, weakening my knees.

"What are you - Oh!" She exclaimed. "Yeah I know right? She's beautiful." I met her eyes and couldn't help but notice the slight blush that began to taint her cheeks.

"What's her name?" I asked, snapping myself out of the trance.

"Uh I don't really remember. Bobby? Ballie? Bill - Right it's Billie." She smiled victoriously. "It's her first year."

As I looked back up towards the girl I noticed another person approaching the angel.

It was a boy - no older than me with sandy blonde hair.

Once he reached Billie, he gripped her hips and melded their mouths together in a fiery kiss.

"And she has a boyfriend." I muttered dryly.

"Uh no she doesn't. . ." Brooke started, face one of confusion. "From what I got out of my conversation with her, she's as straight as a circle."

A loud smacking sound could be heard from the other side of the cafeteria. It caused heads to turn, and people to startle in their seats.

And once I noticed the girl of my dreams, palm still raised, standing across from a reeling boy, hand on his cheek - I knew.

She would be mine.


Welcome to my Trial Chapter :)

With this chapter, you will comment whether you like the story idea or the plot, or really anything.

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Thanks for reading! Enjoy your Friday my loves!

g i g i 💕

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