chapter six

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The next morning, I sat in the cafeteria accompanied by my cabin, Billie, and hers.

"So does nobody find it creepy that broccoli is a man-made product?" Brooke quirked, grasping the attention.

"Wait, it is?" Cierra asked.

"It was carefully bred by Italian farmers more than two-thousand years ago." Brooke added.

"Welp there goes my will to eat healthy." Gigi muttered.

"Hah. Did you ever even eat healthy in the first place?" Jessica challenged.

Gigi scowled at her.

"Honestly Jess, suck my dick."

I raised my gaze to Billie, who was shifting her food around her plate.

She didn't acknowledge me however, confusing me to no end.

What had happened during the text? Did Brooke say something to her?

Brooke cracked a joke that fell on my deaf ears as she nudged me.

She leaned her head on my shoulder as she struggled to regain her breath.

And that's when I saw it.

Billie's eyes were glued to Brooke's head on my shoulder. She seemed to be stuck in her thoughts, looking quite uncomfortable as she witnessed the scene before her.

Oh my God. . .

Billie is jealous. . .

Of me.

She's obviously into Brooke and I'm just getting in the way.

I awkwardly shrugged Brooke off of me, not wanting to upset Billie any longer.

"I uh gotta. . . uh go pee." I said slowly.

I broke away from my chair and hurried to the bathroom, attempting to calm down my burning emotions.

I burst through the door and approached the mirror quickly, turning on the water and cupping my hands. I placed my handmade bowl before the water, filling it up before i splashed my palms on my face to refresh myself.

"You're just overreacting." I told myself. "Just overreacting.

I mean I did kiss Billie. She didn't even seem to regret it.

"Uh. . ."

I turned my head to see the face of a shocked boy, his pants pulled down to kis knees as he stood before the toilet.

Oh fuck.

I winced.

"I am so sorry I -" I decided that trying to talk my way out of this situation is a no-go so i just shamefully exited the bathroom with my tail between my legs.

"Ew you were in the boy's bathroom."  a squeaky voice accused.

I took notice of a short girl with beautiful chocolate eyes and long blonde hair. She looked at me intently as if waiting for my response.

"Yeah it was an accident. . ." I tried to explain, no longer worried about my previous problems. "Aren't you a little young to be going to this camp?"

"My mom works here." She stated proudly, puffing out her chest as if to seem older.

"Hah. Cute."

I began to walk away from the yappy creature, wanting to forget the embarrassment of not only going into the boy's bathroom, but getting caught.


I returned to my seat beside brooke and adjusted my shirt.

"You good?" Brooke asked.

"Never better." I replied, meeting Billie's gaze as we shared a smile.

"Good. Okay so this afternoon, we have that period of free time before gathering so I was thinking we could go play cards in Kim's room?"

I choked on my spit.

"Why not yours?"

Brooke gave me an amused look.

"Because you can't enter our cabin without wondering why the hurricane only decided to hit our area. I swear Gigi is a pig." She ranted.

"Right here. . ." Gigi trailed off, muttering something about not even being conscious long enough to make a mess but nobody payed much mind to her.

Poor girl.

"As much as I'd love to, my family is coming to visit during free time so I wanna hang out with them."

It surprised me that Billie uttered those words.

Family as in siblings and parents or just her parents? Because usually they would just say parents if it was only mom and dad - or mom and mom - dad and - you know what I mean!

"Hey Bil, do you have any siblings?" I blurted.

She smiled, appreciative of my attentiveness.

"Yeah, I have a brother whose name is Finneas. He's bringing his girlfriend I think. If you want you can stick around me and you can meet them." She offered.

The idea of meeting Billie's family excited me.

I had only known her for a short period of time but whatever we have is definitely something I want to continue and seeing as she organized a meeting with her family, she does too.

"Sure I'd love to."

Brooke cleared her throat.

"But what about cards?" She asked sadly.

"You guys can still play! But watch out, Abby is a cheater and Autumn and Cierra like to switch hands quite often." I explained.

Brooke frowned.

Before I could dwell on her response however, I was ripped from my chair.

Billie held my hand and tugged me out of the cafeteria.

"Come on, let's go." She smiled at me.


what a puny excuse for an update but my colleague ditched me and we haven't updated in two weeks so i did the best with what i could.

hope you enjoyed, hope you kinda understand where the story is going because i for sure am excited.

have a nice day and remember. . .



Chick-Fil-A :) 🐔

-gigi and gigi alone

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