Chapter 1

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Chapter 1

Moving to a new town isn't easy especially when you don't know anyone. I'm on my way to a job interview for a bookkeeping position. It's at a porn studio but beggars can't be choosers. Walking in the door, a woman wearing barely anything with long blonde hair walks up. "Can I help you?" she asks sweetly. "I'm here to see Luann. I have an interview with her." I say. "You must be Missy. I'm Lyla. Come on. I'll show you to her." she tells me. "Nice to meet you Lyla." I say as we walk over to Luann. "Luann, your interview is here." Lyla says. Luann turns to me and asks "Are you Missy?" I say "Yes ma'am. It's nice to meet you." She smiles and says "None of that ma'am shit." she says as she leads me to the office. "Here's where you'll be working. Are you going to be okay working around porn?" she asks. "Yes. There's not much that shocks me." I tell her. "Good. Now there will be some guys coming in from time to time that are with the club that owns half of the studio. Don't mind them. They won't cause any problems." she tells me. "Okay." I say. "So you can start now if you want." she tells me. "Thank you Luann. That would be great." I tell her.

A couple of hours later, I have to walk out to Luann to get her to sign off on one of the reports to see her talking to someone in a leather kutte. He has shoulder length blonde hair and a panty dropping smile and I see two more standing behind him. One has black curly hair and bright blue eyes and the other is bald, covered in tattoos and has brown, almost black eyes. "Excuse me, Luann?" I interrupt. "Hey sweetheart. What do you need?" she asks. "Just need our signature." I tell her. She signs the report and then says "Missy, sweetheart, this is Jax, Tig and Happy. They are part of the club that owns half of the studio. Guys this is my assistant, Missy." she introduces them. "Nice to meet you guys." I say shyly. "Nice to meet you too Darlin." Jax says. "Nice to meet you Doll." Tig says and Happy just nods. I excuse myself and head back to my office. That evening, I go to leave and drive home thinking things are finally looking up.

The next couple of weeks go by much the same. I try to keep to my office unless I need Luann to sign off on something. Lyla walks to the office door and says "Lunch is here." I smile softly and head out to get my food that Luann had delivered. I get my lunch and before I can head back to my office, one of the stars Ima, speak. "Are you sure you should be eating that sweetheart? You're a little big already aren't you?" she asks. I lower my head and put the plate down before heading back to my office and get back to work. A little later, I walk out to have Luann sign off on something and see she's talking to Jax. "Yeah, there's a wrap party tomorrow night so let the guys know." Luann says to him. "Yeah. I will. How's the new girl working out?" he asks. "Really good. She's caught on pretty quick. Keeps to herself mostly." she says. I walk up and tap her shoulder. "Hey sweetheart." she says. "I just need your signature." I tell her. She signs off and Jax says "You coming to the wrap party tomorrow night?" I look at him and say "I don't know." I nod and head back to my office. "You really think you should be coming to the wrap party? Honey, you don't really fit in here. You won't know what to do at our kind of party." Ima says. I just nod and head to my office.

The next day, we make it through the day and I go to head out. Seeing Everyone getting ready for the party, I walk out the door. Lyla sees me outside and asks "You not staying for the party?" I shake my head and say "No. I'm gonna head home." She grabs my hand and says "No. You at least have to have a drink with me." I look at her and give in. "Just one." I tell her. We head back inside and I see the one that Luann said was Happy, watching us. Standing at the bar with Lyla, I order a drink and the one that Lyla introduced as Opie walks over and she tells me she'll be back in a minute. Ima walks over "You seriously trying to hang with us?" she asks snidely. "It's just a drink with Lyla." I tell her. "Yeah, well, sweetheart, you're a little over the weight limit to be here." she says. I lower my head, put my drink down and head out the door.

Walking outside, I feel a hand on my arm, stopping me. "You okay little girl?" the deep, raspy voice asks. "Oh, yeah. I'm okay. Just heading home." I say but don't look at him. "Look at me." he says and I don't. It's hard enough fighting off the tears. "What did Ima say to you?" he asks. "Nothing important. Have a good night." I say as I pull my arm from his grasp and head to my car. The tears fall before I can get out of the parking lot and onto the road.

The next day, I walk into the studio and to my office, keeping my head down. Lyla comes in and asks "What happened to you last night?" I shake my head and said "I was just tired." I say. "That's why Happy asked me what Ima said to you?" she asks. I look at her shocked and then shake my head. "Like I told him, it wasn't anything important." I tell her. She closes my office door and asks "What the hell did she say to you?" I don't look at her but say "It doesn't matter. I really need to get to work." I tell her. She shakes her head and heads out to get to the set.

A little later, I head out to get another signature but don't say anything other than thanks. Before I walk away Luann stops me. "Are you okay?" she asks. "Yeah. Just don't want to fall behind." I tell her. She looks at me concerned and I say "I promise, I'm fine." She nods and I head to my office. Lunchtime rolls around and Lyla comes to tell me lunch is there. I've not eaten anything for the last three days. "Lunch is here." Lyla says. "I'm good. Thanks though." I tell her. "Missy, you've not eaten lunch at all this week. Are you sure you're okay?" she asks. "Yeah. I'm fine. Just not real hungry." I tell her.

Later that afternoon, I walk out to take something to Luann and see Jax and Happy there. Not looking at them, I take Luann the papers she needed and head back to my office. I walk inside and about the time I make it to my desk, I start getting a little light headed so I sit down and collect myself before trying to finish out my day.

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