Chapter 6

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Thank you guys so much for the feedback thus far. I can't wait for you to come along on all the journeys I've got planned for these two. Please continue to vote and comment below!

Having never been there, Daniela was nervous as they walked up the steps to Angel's front door. Eschewing the doorbell, the pair walked in to an already rowdy party. Taking in the art on the walls and the undeniably 'Angel' vibe of the home, Daniela looked around for him or anyone she recognized. Spotting Coco, he greeted them in the warmest way possible for Coco and led them into the kitchen where Angel was. Lighting up as soon as he noticed Daniela, Angel greeted the women and began unpacking the large amount of food they had prepared. "Thank you for doing all of this," Angel kissed Daniela repeatedly as people started shuffling through the kitchen. "You're welcome. Did you move the Beanie Babies?" Daniela whispered as she kissed the spot below Angel's ear. Grinning, Angel wrapped his arms around her as he introduced her to the rest of the partygoers.

Throughout the evening, Angel and Daniela stuck together; flirting wildly as they watched the game. Sitting on his lap, Daniela impressed the guys with her extensive football knowledge, ribbing Gilly as they broke down the first half of the game. "You doknow women watch sports, right? They even let us play them now," Daniela winked as Angel stood up to refresh her drink. Looking on in mock indignation, Gilly caught Coco's attention and shared a knowing look. Angel had been a ladies man for as long as they'd known him, and they were both used to a revolving door of women. Slowly, they were realizing that Daniela was a different and frankly, much needed change of pace for Angel. He'd seemed calmer and more level-headed, something that would be advantageous as they navigated this new phase with the rebels.

"I think Lauren's making some new friends," Angel nodded towards the backyard as Daniela moved over to make room for him. Glancing outside, Daniela was happy to see that her friend was assisting EZ in leading a loud round of beer pong. Giggling at the sight, Daniela curled up into Angel's side as the final moments of the game played out on the screen. Soon after, the crowd at the party began leaving in droves, and Daniela started going around the house cleaning up. "Hey...I'm going to head out with him, is that cool?" Lauren approached Daniela quietly as the latter grabbed another trash bag. Turning to see whom the new suitor was, Daniela was shocked but pleased to discover that Lauren was leaving with EZ. Wiggling her eyebrows suggestively, Daniela hugged Lauren while making plans to text later on.

As Angel said goodbye to the last of the guests, Daniela walked towards the dumpster when she spotted an open room that piqued her curiosity. Tossing the bag, she glanced into the room and took a look around. Every wall was covered in large murals and abstract portraits; the smell of gesso and sage flooding her senses. Taking a step further inside the room, she scanned the artwork in awe. Spotting one that still looked to be in progress, she shifted the painting a bit to look at it and realized quickly what it was. Clad in the same outfit from their first date, it was a watercolor of Daniela standing on her steps, looking over her shoulder. Finding herself slightly teary at the sweet gesture, she carefully placed the canvas back with the others and turned around to see Angel standing in the doorway. Sheepishly smiling at her, Angel ran his fingers through his hair. "Guess the surprise is ruined, huh?" Shaking her head bashfully, Daniela reassured him that it was not. "It's beautiful, Angel. No one has ever done something like that of me. Or for me, for that matter," she said quickly.

Wrapping her arms around his waist, Daniela looked up at Angel and rested her head on his chest. "Thank you for having us today. You didn't have to do all of that for me," she said, sweetly kissing him. "I was happy to. I liked having you here. I likehaving you here," Angel replied, slowly caressing her cheek. "I don't want to misread the play here-you're still interested, right? I've been a little worried since we haven't-" Daniela's line of questioning was interrupted by Angel grabbing her for a kiss as he ran his fingers through her hair. "Has anyone ever told you you're a bit of an over thinker?" he asked once she broke the kiss. "Only all the time," Daniela smiled at him. "Of course I'm still interested. Just don't want to ruin a good thing," Angel reassured her as he stepped further into his studio. "I didn't know you painted. You're so talented Angel," Daniela turned to evaluate the paintings again. "Thanks. They're not very good," Angel said, suddenly embarrassed by all the attention. Shushing him, Daniela walked back over to the portrait he had started of their first date, gently brushing her fingers over the strokes.

Feeling Angel's arms wrap around her waist, they stood there swaying together for a few moments before Angel began kissing her neck gently. Turning around in his arms, Daniela could feel him hardening through his jeans as she pressed herself into his body. "Sleepover invitation still open?" she asked hopefully. "What do you think?" Angel replied, shifting so she could feel him more. Leading her out of his studio and down the hall, Angel softly picked Daniela up and carried into his room. Placing her on his bed, he unbuttoned his shirt as she pulled off her clothes. Cursing to himself at the sight of Daniela's pink lace bra and swollen lips, Angel began licking a trail up her thighs before settling between her legs. Gazing up at her for confirmation to proceed, Angel made quick work of removing her panties and settled in between her legs. Teasing her with his fingers, Angel lapped at her folds greedily. Tangling her fingers in his hair, Daniela got lost in Angel's skillful tongue as he pleased her. After multiple climaxes, Angel kissed his way up Daniela's body and straddled her hips. "You okay?" he asked as she ran her hands over his shoulders. "Better than okay," Daniela whispered, grinding her hips against Angel.

Reaching over for a condom, Angel stood up and removed his jeans and boxers. "Let me do it," Daniela said slyly, grabbing the condom and rolling it on. Pulling Angel back over her, Daniela buried her head in his neck as he entered her. Bliss pulsing through their bodies, the two thoroughly enjoyed each other for the next hour before finding their finishes. Panting side by side, Angel was the first to speak, "I'm sorry," he croaked. "For what?" Daniela asked, slightly panicked. "Making us wait so long to do that," Angel replied, rolling over to kiss her gently. Giggling, Daniela wrapped her arms around his body as she kissed him back. "You had me scared for a second. Mind if I use your bathroom?" she asked, sitting up to stand. Shaking his head no, Angel got up and headed down the hall into the kitchen.

When Daniela finished in the bathroom, she walked out to find Angel sitting on his bed, eating one of the red velvet cupcakes she'd baked. Holding one out to her, Angel smacked his lips as he finished the cake in two bites. "And you can bake? Good luck getting rid of me," he remarked, removing the wrapper of another treat. "Anytime. Just send me your requests," Daniela teased, licking the frosting off the top of her cupcake. Eating in silence, Angel and Daniela got back into bed, turning the lights off. "I really like you Daniela," Angel remarked, the darkness emboldening him. "The feeling is mutual, Angel. I'm glad my car broke down that day," Daniela said, curling into his warm chest, the two of them slowly drifting off to sleep.

Had Angel and Daniela not been so wrapped up in their post-coital bliss, they may have heard both of their phones ringing non-stop. Across town, Lauren stood inside their now-ransacked apartment with EZ with her ear to her phone, cursing as it went straight to voicemail again. "No answer?" he asked, surveying the broken furniture and shattered picture frames. "No. Goddamnit. I don't know why someone would do this to us," Lauren cried, shaking her head as she picked up part of a broken vase. "It's bizarre," EZ murmured, his head spinning with the gut feeling their business dealings south of the border had just migrated north. 

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⏰ Last updated: May 08, 2019 ⏰

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