Chapter 4

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As Angel, Coco, and Gilly stormed into the Olvidados encampment, Adelita could feel the heat rising off of Angel's body. "Hello Angel," Adelita greeted him with a faint smile. "What's the emergency?" Angel snapped, glancing at the time on his phone. "We have something we need you to move, over the border preferably." Adelita nodded to Diego, the latter stepping forward carrying a large duffle bag. "6 kilos, all pure." Showing the three Mayans the heavy blocks of heroin draws grumbles from all three men. "What the fuck is this?" Coco mutters to Gilly, who looked equally unhappy. "We aren't your fucking errand boys, Adelita," Angel hissed as he dragged her away from the group. "This wasn't part of the plan. We entered into this arrangement to help you and the cause, not play mule for your smack." Adelita stared back at Angel blankly. "This is how we tip the power back, Angel. I thought that's what you were here to do. I suppose your allegiance to Galindo is stronger than I thought." Scowling, Angel saw a bit of a smirk as Adelita led the pair back to the group. Coco is the first to address Angel, "What's the plan?" All the men in the group looked between Angel and Adelita, waiting for some sort of action. "Fine. We'll find a seller. But this is it. No more running your shit, understood?" Angel grabbed the duffle from Diego as he looked at Adelita. "I'll wait for your call confirming the sale." Adelita smiled at Angel as he looked at the time on his phone and cursed.

"Is something wrong Angel? You seem distracted tonight," Adelita searched Angel's face for the cause of his anxiety and found none." "It's nothing. I need to get back for a family thing." Angel lied as he texted Daniela that he was running late but would be at the restaurant within the hour. Adelita nodded her goodbyes as the three bikers ran out of the camp and headed to the old Bronco. "Diego-go follow him." Her companion scurried off after the group of men as they sped through the desert.

While Angel and the guys were heading back, Daniela sat in between her mother and Lauren watching the recital, anxious for her impending evening with Angel. Once she left Romero Brothers, she had rushed home for an emergency wardrobe consultation with Lauren, and to refresh her makeup for the evening. Upon seeing her daughter so dressed up for the evening listening to the high school orchestra, Jasmine immediately asked Daniela what the occasion was. "Nothing, Mom. Just wanted to look nice for you and Camila." Daniela hoped her lie was believable; Jasmine, though well meaning, was often overbearing when it came to Daniela dating, and had a habit of getting Daniela even more nervous than she already was. "She's ditching us for Angel after the recital." Lauren teased, ignoring the glare from her best friend. "WHAT?! You didn't tell me that! Where? What time? Is this what you're wearing? Oh, you guys will make the most adorable-" Daniela clamped her hand over Jasmine's mouth, turning beet-red at her mother's enthusiasm. "Mom, stop. I am already anxious about tonight and you are making it worse. We are meeting at Viva Madrid after the recital. It's just for a drink. As friends."

The three women found their seats inside the cramped auditorium of Santo Padre High School, their conversation dwindling. Halfway through the performance, Daniela's phone lit up with a text from Angel. Her stomach dropping at what was sure to be a last minute cancelation from him, she opened the text to read Angel's note:

Hey Dani! Can't wait to see you tonight. Running a little behind due to a work errand, but I'm hurrying as fast as I can.

Daniela exhaled and felt the excitement return to herbody, and quickly typed out a response to Angel. Letting the soothing sounds of the recital watch over her, she sat forward in her seat once her sister walked out onto the stage for her cello solo. Camila was a gifted musician, and had dreams of attending Julliard. Jasmine sat recording her younger daughter's performance as Lauren and Daniela took still photos. The audience sat mesmerized by the piece, and Daniela's heart swelled at the standing ovation her little sister received for the solo.

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