Sometimes & Reality

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Sometimes it's hard to sleep.
Mostly I'll put on some music to fill the room.
But sometimes the silence is too loud.
It creates a ringing in my ears.
Sometimes the music is too loud
I focus on it to distract myself from the sound of silence
Sometimes my breathing is too loud. It reminds me of things that keep me awake until sunrise
Sometimes the wind is too loud. It's reminds me of the wailing of banshees outside my window
Sometimes my clothes are too uncomfortable
Sometimes it's too hot. So I'll take the blanket off but now my feet are cold. I put socks on
Sometimes my heartbeat is too loud.
It sounds like drums in my ears and I can feel them pulse through my skin
Sometimes if I'm lucky eventually I go to sleep.
Sometimes I resign myself to another night with the glaring light of my phone shining in my eyes,
As I hope that it makes me tired enough that I can block out the too loudness of the world and finally be released from the confines of reality.
And tomorrow I'll do it all again.


Sometimes I forget that this isn't all a video
And that there is no screen that I'm watching this all on
But that instead I'm in charge of what happens
That this is my hand
This is my arm
These are my fingers
These are my thoughts
My opinions
My dreams
My aspirations
There is no one else who can experience something the exact same way I do
Nobody will come control me life
Nobody will tell me what is the right decision
And somehow it's both a relief
And fucking terrifying

Hey y'all! I'm sorry that I missed out on uploading last week, my town had a big ol' festival and I've been helping my mum set up. So here 2 stories to make up for it.
See y'all next week!

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