The Stars

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It's always sad when there are clouds outside at night
Blocking the stars out of the sky
They shine so brightly
It makes all too much sense that we're so interested in the stars
They've ways been there
And will always be there
They are our past
And our future
It is in our blood that we want to be with those stars
Ever since we first stepped foot on this Earth
They helped us find our home
When we were outside and all alone
And we're told that one day we might be able to reach those glowing orbs
So of course we want to reach out
And we hope that we'll be able to touch those twinkling lights in the sky.
That's why it's so sad when the clouds block out the stars
But sometimes
If your lucky
You'll drive over a hill
And see that the stars have fallen from the sky
And have joined us here on Earth.

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