Chap 5: How Life's Supposed to Be

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            It was the next day and Ripley and Ravyn were going to show Avenged Sevenfold around. Ripley and Ravyn were to meet them at their hotel. Of course they all pulled Ravyn into a hug since they spend their whole night last night with Ripley and Ravyn spend it with her boyfriend. Then they pulled Ripley into a hug and they noticed the ring. “Rip, who gave you that right?” Matt asked already knowing the answer

“Brian” Ripley said like it was obvious

“So it’s just a ring?” Johnny asked

“Guys, I know you know what kind of ring it is and what it means. I know you guys. I would be shocked if Bri didn’t go to you guys at least once about it” Ripley said

            “Damn, even after all these years it’s like you never left” Jimmy said

“It’s a gift” Ripley said with a smile

“So you said yes?” Zacky asked

“I had to; I still love him after all these years. And it happened 10 years ago” Ripley said

“Someone please fill me in” Ravyn said

“I asked Ripley to forgive me and I promised that I would also be in her life from now on. And also promise to give us a try” Brian said

“I swear to gawd, you hurt her again I’m cutting your hands and balls off and then shove them up your ass” Ravyn said threateningly

“Took me so long to realize that she is my life” Brian said

            “And I still love him and I know he loves me too. So you really don’t have to worry” Ripley said holding Brian’s hand

“Well let’s head out” Ravyn said. Everyone agreed and headed out. They were just going to walk around and if there were any fans Ripley would give them a look and they would just stare at them. “You know, it might be hard to keep a long distance relationship. Especially one this far away” Johnny said and Matt hit him upside the head

“Ripley, help me out. Tell them to stop picking on me” Johnny whined

“Don’t say stupid shit and you won’t get hit” Ripley said with a smile

“We already talked about it. We know that we can survive it. I plan on spending two weeks each month with him in Cali. That’s for starters anyway” Ripley said

            “You going to have enough money to keep doing that?” Ravyn asked

“Yea, for 10 years I’ve been saving for if I ever reconnect with them; besides Brian said he would help because he really wants to see us together’ Ripley said

“That’s how life’s suppose to be. I’m suppose to be with her. I learned that the long hard way. After all those years you just see how it’s suppose to be” Brian said. “It even took me to the end of our first tour to realize that Ripley lied. She yelled that she didn’t care. She did care and she cared so much that she got rid of me. It may sound like non-sense but really it’s not, just saying it out loud is confusing” Brian said

“No, I understand” Jimmy said

            “I’m just glad to have you girls back in our lives. In those past 10 years, we acted like everything was okay but it wasn’t. We felt like there was something missing and there was: you guys” Matt said

“And so help us gawd, if she spends two weeks with you and we don’t see her, we’ll break into your house while you are sleeping and scare the shit out of you” Zacky said

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