Chap 6: Crotch Called

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            Ripley was getting pissed off. She was trying to sleep but someone was pushing her into the bed. “Was (what)?!” Ripley yelled

“Ripley, I’m leaving” Brian said which got Ripley’s attention. She turned to face him and her eyes were watery. It took less than 2 seconds for Brian to figure out why she was crying. “No, no, no I’m not dumping you. Yesterday was our last day here. The tour is still on. And you spent the night with me. I would never leave you now that I have you back. I just wanted to say goodbye” Brian said

“Let me get dressed; I want to say goodbye to my brothers” Ripley said. She got out of bed to find herself naked; she just smiled as she got dressed.

            Soon both Brian and Ripley were riding the elevator down to the lobby. “Good Morning Ripley? Ripley what are you doing here?” Johnny asked

“Well I spent the night with Brian” Ripley said “And I had to see you guys one more time before you leave”

“Well I’ll make sure to text you all the time” Jimmy said pulling Ripley into a hug.”

“You fuckin’ better” Ripley said

“We all will. We aren’t letting you go now that we have you back” Zacky said pulling Ripley into a hug

“Yea, Brian said the same thing” Ripley said

“Yea, I’ll keep an eye on him” Matt said taking his turn in hugging Ripley.

            “Guys, give me some credit here” Brian said “I will not fuck this up. With her, I realized I don’t need to sleep around. I can finally be truly happy”

“So anyway I’m going to miss you guys. It’s like once I get you guys back, you’re leaving me again” Ripley said

“We won’t so don’t worry” Johnny said pulling Ripley into a hug

“Well I don’t want to hold you guys from leaving. So bye, I love you guys. I miss you already. And don’t hesitate to call or text me” Ripley said as they all headed out to their van.

“I’ll text you so much that your phone will go off every 5 minutes” Jimmy laughed

            “Okay” Ripley laughed back

“I’m going to miss you” Brian said pulling Ripley into a hug

“I already miss you” Ripley said and then she kissed him. Brian made it more than just a kiss as he wanted to savor her for his time away. Finally Brian got into the van and they waved as they drove away. Ripley walked home; it wasn’t really that far from the hotel. As she walked home, she thought about everything that happened in the past 2 days. A smile made its home on her lips and she just realized that she truly felt whole again. It was an amazing feeling to have her brothers back. And it just felt right to be with Brian again. Just like Jimmy said, soul mates find their way back to each other.

            Once Ripley walked into her place, she shares with Ravyn, she was pulled into a hug. “What the hell happened to you?! Where were you last night?” Ravyn asked concerned as she let go of Ripley.

“Brian brought me to his hotel room to spend some alone time together before they moved to the next place on tour” Ripley said

“Still one of guys could’ve told me what was going on” Ravyn said now sitting on the couch.

“Well, if I remember correctly, if they have their minds set on having fun and partying, then that’s all that’s on their mind. And I didn’t know I was going to end up sleeping over. Besides I’m fine. Anyway I’m going to take a shower” Ripley said and then headed to her room

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