Chapter 11

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Yesterday was surprisingly amazing. At first Dawson was acting weird but after talking with her and truly getting to know things about her I understood that her attitude and bitchiness isn't on purpose that's just her defense mechanism towards people she doesn't really know yet. But everything is still confusing with her , like why do I have this strange attraction towards her that I can't explain.
It's Wednesday and I'm up earlier then usual so I decided to go for a run to clear my head. I run about 3 miles when I finally get back home I take a shower and wait for Lexi to be ready.
"Hey k here's the keys I'm playing hookie today" I wasn't shocked lex does this all the time I'm surprised she hasn't been held back yet.
"Moms gonna kill you if she finds out" she holds out the keys to me.
"Good thing she won't find out" I love Lexi but sometimes I feel like I dont even know who she is anymore. We use to be so close and now I don't even know where she goes during the day.  I decided to leave it be and head to school.  I park and head to a bench outside of school and go on my phone
"Karter, what's up" I look up to see Austin staring right at me.
"Uh not much Austin what's up with you" I put my phone in my pocket and tap the seat next to me. I can see him smile and take a seat next to me.
"I need to ask a favor" oh no I don't wanna know what this is I hope it's nothing bad.
"What is it austin" sure me and him are on good terms but it still doesn't make me upset sometimes what he did.
"My dad is forcing me to have dinner tonight with my half brother you remember the one that goes to reef and I kind of despise the guy he's a total asshole but he's bringing his girlfriend and I was wondering if you would be my date." I looked at his pleasing eyes and felt bad. I remember how upset he was when he found out just last year that he had a brother his age just a couple miles away. Before I knew what I was saying I agreed.
"Your the best Karter thank you thank you" he bear hugged me. I missed Austin but I'll never tell him that but he was my first love and that won't change. I smiled and grabbed my bag to walk to my first period class.
"Here let me walk you"


It's finally last period and today felt extremely long. I had a math test I completely forgot to study for and I know I failed. There's only 5 minutes till the last bell rings and I'm more than ready for practice.
I hurry up to the locker room change and go to my car. I plug my phone into the aux to blast my music and sing along to the song truth hurts. I get to glades field and park and sit in my car waiting for the bus to get here with my team. I'm scared to death by a sudden knock at my window. I look up to see a very impatient looking Dawson. I roll my window down to say hi.
"Dawson, hey" she doesn't look to happy for some reason.
"Do you remember where we had coffee yesterday" I was confused why was she asking this.
"Yes why?"  Dawson grabbed her bag and looked around paranoid.
"I have to drop my best friend home and then meet me there after practice." She backed from my car waiting for an answer. I was gonna say yes but I got distracted from how pretty her eyes looked.
"Well?" I turned from her to grab my own stuff.
"Ya sure I'll meet you there" I'm nervous about saying yes with how she's acting but I'm also to curious to say no.
Practice started and was going by extremely slow. After about an hour of playing and sweating through drills we begin to scrimmage. Scrimmage is my favorite part of practice because we get to actually play and practice our moves. My position is midi which means I can go through the whole field defense and offensive there is 3 on both teams. Me, Dani, and Hailey play midi because you have to be in the best shape and we are. After a couple beautiful shots practice was over.
"Karter hold up" I turn from taking my cleats off to see Hailey standing over me.
"What's up Hailey" I put on my Nike slides and stand to meet her height.
"I just wanted to let you know that I really appreciate you letting me be captain I know you could've gotten it but you let me have it" this was a super random topic she was bringing up I didn't really know what to say.
"No problem you make a much better captain than I could" I can see her smiling at my words. I put my lacrosse bag over my shoulder and began to walk while Hailey follows beside me. I finally get to my car when I see Dawson at her car waiting for friend she was taking home.
"You know what's crazy" I look at Hailey to see what she was talking about.
"Their captain was at my party we even played beer pong together before I realized who she was" I didn't know that but I'm not really shocked everyone was at that party.
"Thank god we didn't talk more than we did I can't imagine being friends with a Vella Trojan" I gave a fake chuckle at her then said bye and got in my car and headed to the coffee shop.
I ordered coffee and waited for Dawson to show up. After 30 minutes I thought about leaving. After an hour of being stood up I decide to leave and head home I still have to get ready for Austin's dinner tonight.
I'm not gonna lie Dawson standing me up pisses me off I thought we where actually moving to be friends and now I feel stupid. Why would she ask me to meet her there and just not show up what's the point. I couldn't get it out of my head how mad I was about what she did.
I finally get dressed I'm wearing a skirt with a Malibu shirt and vintage jacket I felt very cute.
At 6:30 I got a text from Austin saying he was 5 minutes away. I finished putting on very little make up and went outside to see his car pull up to get me. I get in the passenger side and smile a the familiar scent of his car.
"Hey you ready for tonight" I try to sound concerned. He gives me a light smile.
"Ready as I'll ever be, let's hit the road."

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