Dabi x Reader ~ I shouldn't love you ~

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(Y/N) POV:
Being a pro hero is tough but rewarding that's for sure! You have to be careful of others and yourself, and you can get hurt bad and easily. But seeing people's faces smiling, congratulating and screaming my hero name is the rewarding part. Knowing you helped someone and made their day is what's special.
I am Forceful.
My quirk is telekinesis. I can lift, move, throw, just about anything to a object without touching it. But concentration is key. When using my quirk for so long it gives me major migraines and flash backs. It can be scary but that's what can happen when your a pro hero.
It's terrifying.
"Young (Y/N)!"
I turn around to see All Might, the number #1 hero.
"Would you like to come with me and some other pro hero's to a fun filled private party to celebrate?!"
Without hesitation I say,
"No thanks."
He froze.
"A-Are you sure? It would be so much fun and everyone wants to say hi!"
"I said no thank you. I have too much work to catch up on. I have no time for party's at the moment."
"But tell everyone I said hi, will you?"
He nods, "O-Of course! I completely understand you! But you do deserve a break. Don't overwork yourself, you may not realize it but you do that a lot. Be weary of the migraines (Y/N)."
I simply nod and start to walk off.
He doesn't know anything about me.
How my migraines feel, how my body feels,
how I feel.
I stop in my tracks.
I heard a crash.
I swiftly turn around. "Who's there?!"
No response.
I get ready for an attack at any moment.
In the corner of my eye I see a blue light igniting the wall next to me. I slowly turn around and see a villain. But not just any villain.
It's the villain that helped me escape.

• that's another story that will be told later •

He looks so familiar, like I've know him my whole life...
Even though his bright blue fire is lighting up the dark alley, I don't feel scared or threatened.
I know he won't hurt me.
"It's you again. Your the one who saved me!"
I don't mean to smile but I can't help it, he really did save my life.
He just looks at me,
I start to get a little nervous, is he going to hurt me?
"Your not a normal, bad villain are you? Your different. For some reason you, a villain, won't attack a me. Instead help me, a pro hero. Is there something you know that I don't?!"
I start to slightly yell at him, I don't mean to it's just I'm so confused. I want to know why he spares me, he helped me. I want to know who he is.
I need to know who he is.
He sighs and his blue flames go down slightly.
"You don't remember me, or rather, recognize me, do you?"
I shake my head.
"It's me...
Touya Todoroki."
My eyes widen.
"T-Touya i-its not r-really you i-is it-t?"
I start crying.
"Because if your not him and your just fucking with me I will kill you here where you stand."
"(Y-Y/N)! Calm down it's me Touya! We've been best friends since we were little! I left because my father, Endeavor, did not want us to be together! Please trust me!"
"T-Then what are the burns from?!"
"I over used my quirk when I was young, from my father training me violently. That's also a reason why I left, I didn't want you to see me like this..."
"A-And your black hair? It used to be red!"
"I dyed it. So no one could recognize me."
I calm down.
I start to cry even more because,
I'm just so happy.
"(Y/N)? Are you ok? Why are you still crying?"
"I-I'm sor-ry. I just thought t-that I would n-n-never see you a-again."
"Well I'm here" he smugly smirks at me.
I start to run towards him and hug him, almost making him fall over.
He hugs me back.
He starts rubbing my back and hair to try and help me calm down.
He always did that when we were little.
"Shhhh, it's ok my love."
He called me that a lot when we were little too.
I realize something and back off.
"W-We can't do this."
"What do you mean?"
"Y-Your a v-villian now. I-I'm a h-hero. A pro hero!"
He looks down.
"But you can change." He looks straight at me.
"I can help you change, to not be a villain. You don't have to necessarily need to be a hero, just not a villain and a better person too."
"My love I can't just not be a villain anymore. They might hunt me down."
"Then we'll fight back, like we always do, and beat them up."
"What if the others hero's find out?"
"They won't, and if they do, I'll say that you wanted to leave and become a better person, and that I'm helping you out. They can't go against that."
"B-But, what if you get hurt. I can't risk that. I can't risk your life. I-I just found you again I-I-"
I put my finger over his mouth.
"You talk to much. Listen to me, it will be fine! You'll be fine! I'll be fine! Ok?"
I start to lean in and I have to get on my tippy toes because of how tall he is. He bends down a little and our lips meet. They move in sync and fit like puzzle pieces.
As soon as we pull apart we just admire and stare into each other's eyes. I've always loved his bright turquoise eyes. They are so gorgeous and special to me.
"I don't deserve you. You shouldn't do this for me.
You shouldn't love me."
I smile
"I know"
I lean into his chest.
"I know."

1019 words!! owo

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