Midoriya x Yagi! Reader ~ Let me protect you ~

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(Y/N) POV:
I am All Mights daughter, (Y/N) Yagi. But I can't let anyone find out that I'm his daughter. It could reveal who he really is and put us both in danger. It certainly is interesting being the number #1 hero's daughter. Though he is always out, when he comes home the stories he'll tell me are interesting and cool!
It's only been me and my father though, many years ago my mom died shortly after I was born.
I wish I could have met her.
Dad tells me she was a wonderful, caring, gentle person. The best person he's met in his life. She inspires him and gave him his greatest gift he could have ever received,
Anyways, I was recommended into U.A, Class 1A! My father was so proud of me, I honestly wasn't surprised since he always trains me but of course I still am very grateful! I want to prove to my father that I can be just like him! I want to fight for him and my mother!
I want to make her proud.
Only some pro hero's know about my father and his condition, oh and of course me! So it's going to be wonderful to see them again in such a long time! My father this year is a teacher so I have to try my best not to say dad or anything like that. I have to act like I don't even know him.

~ time skip ~

I walk into to the classroom and see a lot of other students. I recognize one, Mina Ashido, who is a long time friend.
We start running into each other and hug.
"It's been so long! I've missed you!"
"I've missed you too Mina!"
"You sure seem a lot smaller!"
She starts laughing.
I start to laugh a long with her.
"Ha ha your sooo funny! You've just gotten taller, like a giant!"
Suddenly a boy runs through the door, panicked and obviously nervous.
"That kid actually made it?!"
"Mina!" I softly slap her shoulder. "Don't say things like that! He made it for a reason didn't he? So leave him be!"
I look over at the boy. He has green, fluffy hair and is a little bit taller than me. He's sweating like crazy.
"You're welcome!" I smile.
"What's your name?"
"I-Izuku Midoriya."
I put my hand out.
"I'm (Y/N) Yagi. What's your quirk?"
"U-Uhh it's hard to e-explain..."
"Alright everyone be quiet and get to their seats."
It's Eraserhead...
I sit next to Izuku in the front row and Mina is behind me.
Mr. Aizawa explains what we're going to be doing outside. After he's done we all get out of our seats and head outside.
"(Y/N) wait, let me catch up!"
I giggle.
"Are you excited Yagi?"
"Sure thing! What about you Ashido?"
"Of course! I'm gonna throw that ball out of this world!"
Izuku goes up. As I watch him and what happens to him it reminds me a lot of me and my father's quirk.
My father has explained to me about the One For All. Sometimes I don't understand why he doesn't chose me, maybe he doesn't want me to get hurt. Or I'm just really not qualified.
Seems like he found someone.
I smile, he beat Bakugou.
"Great job Midoriya!"
"Thanks (Y/N)!"
I was after Uraraka who got infinity!
Makes sense, her quirk is zero gravity after all...
It was my turn. I do posses some of my father's quirk. But I also have my mother's ability to freeze other people, though I can only make them freeze for about 30 seconds.
But that won't help me at all, so I need to use my super strength.
My arm starts to glow and spark up
(F/C) and white. I focus on how much of it I want to use and throw.
I threw farther than Izuku!
"Good job (Y/N)! That's my best friend!"
I laugh. "Thanks Mina!"
"Great job (Y/N)!" He says as he puts his thumbs up. I put mine up back.
After the day is over I walk back home. I have to go a secret path so no one follows or sees me.
As I enter my home I go immediately up stairs to my room and throw my backpack and myself on my bed.
I take deep breathes and relax for a little.
I eventually get up to go get a snack. I grab a apple from the fruit bowl, wash it off, and start eating it. I look over at the fridge and see a note from my father.
"I'm at the beach! I will be back home shortly! I hope your day was wonderful! Love you!
~ Dad"
I frown.
Always busy, isn't he?
I throw the note away and go get a shower.
After my shower I was super bored! Literally nothing to do!!
Why not pay my dear old dad a visit, eh?
I changed into some comfy clothes, put my hair in a messy bun (if you have short hair then leave it down lol),
put on my shoes and run out the door.
I really want to see him and talk to him.
Once I arrive at at the beach the sun is setting and the waves are splashing.
Dad told me mom loved this beach and would go here constantly.
Suddenly I hear a slam. I walk over to the noise and see
my father training Izuku?!
I knew it!
My father is in his normal form.
They haven't even noticed me!
I clear my voice to get their attention.
They both suddenly stop where they stand and look over at me. Izuku looks scared for his life while my father is slightly embarrassed.
"(Y-Y/N)! What brings you here?"
I looked at him slightly annoyed.
"Young Midoriya relax. She knows about it all."
I laugh. "Midoriya I'm his daughter."
He freezes and starts blushing.
"Izuku relax it's ok! Not a lot of people know for many reasons."
"I'm guessing you figured out that Izuku is the one who I passed All For One on to, didn't you?"
I nodded.
"When we did a test today to throw a ball up as high and far as we could, I noticed what happened and how his quirk was working while he was throwing."
"That makes a lot more sense now. When I saw what happened with you (Y/N) I was shocked on how similar it was to mine. Except instead of a green glow your's is (F/C)."
"So does that mean you have One For All too!?"
I frowned.
"N-No, heh. I just have some of my father's abilities because well, I have his DNA."
"W-Well this concludes our training for today! Keep up the good work!"
"Thank you All Might sir!"
Before I know it Izuku is gone and it's just me and my father,
I look out at the beach and take a deep breathe.
"I'm sorry."
"For what."
"Many things."
I just hum in response. I know what he's apologizing for. I'm not mad at him, just confused if anything. And a little sad, heh.
I'm always sad.

~ next week after school ~

I walk home, alone like always.
I just want to rest and get cleaned up.
When I enter my house I expect a note but instead my father is there in his normal form, sitting on the couch.
"H-Hey Dad."
He looks back at me and smiles.
"Ah! There's my girl!"
He comes up to hug me and I hug back.
"How was your day?"
"Fun but exhausting."
He laughs.
"It will be that way! I have a question for you."
"How about you do some training with me and young Midoriya on the beach? It will help you both and be a ton of fun!"
Midoriya has been acting so strange to me since that day at the beach. I really hope he hasn't told anyone.
"Excellent! Get cleaned up and ready for some intense training!"
I do as he says I take a shower, and put on shorts and a tank top.
"Let's go!"
As we arrive to the beach, Izuku is already there pushing tires.
Wow, look at that body.
I start blushing.
I mentally slapped myself and walked towards Izuku.
He falls back. I giggle. "Sorry, didn't mean to scare ya!"
I put my hand out for him to grab.
This reminds me of when we first met...
He grabs my hand and stands back up.
"You two seem to be getting along. Maybe a little too friendly."
I start blushing.
"D-Dad t-that's not the c-case!"
"Y-Yeah sir. It's not l-like that!"
He laughs and changes into his hero form.
"Ha ha ha! I'm just messing with you two! Now, shall we get started?"
Our training consisted of pushing or pulling large objects while my father was on them, and running laps.
"Alright, now you two need to fight each other!"
"Wait what really."
"Get ready! Go!
"UM O-OK!"
I just stare at him, he looks nervous and scared.
I start running towards him. He block's my attacks until I push him far and he falls. He gets up quickly and starts running towards me.
I block his attacks until he kicks my legs and punches me at the same him, and I slam into metal.
I feel dizzy...
"(Y-Y/N) I'M S-SORRY!" Izuku yells.
I try to get up but fall again.
I see my father starting to run towards me.
"(Y/N)! Say something!"
"G-Get off m-me. I'm f-fine..."
I can't be weak.
My eyes start to get heavy.
"(Y/N) keep your eyes open!"
All I see suddenly is black.
My eyes start fluttering open.
I look over and see Izuku crying, looking out the window, and my father by my side.
"(Y/N) your ok!"
He hugs me gently.
I hug back.
"D-Did I pass out."
He nods. I sigh.
"That's so pathetic. I'm so weak..."
"No your not. A piece of sharp metal scratched your back and created a large, deep scratch. Your strong."
I touch my back. It stings and I grunt.
"I guess..."
"Yagi come here this instant!"
It's Recovery Girl!
"Leave the poor girl alone! She needs some peace and quiet!"
"I'm her father!"
"And she's a teenager who is injured. Come out side with me."
"Alright, I'll be back soon, hopefully..."
I wave as he walks to the door.
I hear a sniff near the window and look over.
"Izuku don't cry please"
"I-I'm not."
He won't look at me.
I get up slowly and quiet as I can so he doesn't notice, but that didn't work.
"Hey hey you need to rest!"
He speed walks over to me and tries to lay me down.
"N-No! At least sit next to me, please..."
"Of course."
I look at him.
"How come you've been acting so weird towards me since you found out who my father was. I know he's your inspiration, but I can't help but think I did something wrong..."
He looks at me and starts crying.
"I-I'm so so s-sorry..."
"For what?"
"For being so rude towards you and hurting you. I've been acting so weird because well, I like, no, love you so much! When we first met you were so kind, beautiful, and all I could think about! And I just hurt you, very bad. I'm such a terrible person..."
I put my hand on his cheek and he jumps.
"Don't be sorry. You didn't mean to hurt me, it's not your fault. You did what you had to do to defend yourself, you fought so well. And I love you so much too."
"Please let me be your boyfriend. I will love and cherish you always. I will protect you.
Let me protect you..."
"Yes yes of course!"
We both start smiling and blushing like crazy.
He quickly hugs me.
"I love you."
"I love you more."

2075 words u>u

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