Shinsou x Reader ~ Soulmate AU ~

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(H/C) = Hair color
(S/C) = Skin color


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(Y/N) POV:
What's a soulmate, you may ask.
A soulmate is a person that is designed for you. They will always be there for you. Through thick and thin. They understand you. They love all of your flaws and imperfections.
They are your other half.
Usually you have one soulmate.
But you can also have multiple,
or even none.
It's rare, but it happens.
Some people have always dreamed of meeting their soulmate and will find them. Some people are ok with not finding them, but if they do they'll be extremely happy.
And some don't want to...
I could care less honestly. Love is complicated. It makes you feel weird and do crazy things.
I don't want to act like a crazy person just for some person!
Though, I always do wonder what it would be like to see color...
I ask my parents all the time what the sky looks like, people, or objects. I hate just seeing gray, black, and white all the time.
But whatever, I'll just have to deal with it.
The Sports Festival is coming up and I'm prepared. I don't care if I win or not, I just need to give a show. I need to prove that I can be better and am ready to be a hero!
Everyone was talking, and Bakugou was... shouting. Being a smartass like usual. Suddenly, a crowd comes up to our door. Peeking through the windows. I hear a guy walk through everyone, eventually being right in front of the door.
"How sad to come hear and find a bunch of egomaniacs. I wanted to be in the hero course, but like many others here I was forced to choose a different track."
My face quickly switched from an annoyed look to a look of sympathy.
'I couldn't imagine having to choose another course. I wonder what his quirk is.'
"If any of us do well in the Sports Festival the teachers can decide to transfer us to the hero course."
Many others gasped. Bakugou was silent, giving the guy an irrited look. I just gave a blank stare.
'He's right though. If any of us don't do our best we could possibly be switched out...'
Immediately goosebumps formed on my arms and legs.
I don't want to listen to this anymore.
I quickly gathered my things and tried my best to sneak out. As I was just about to walk through the door a hand grabbed my wrist.
"What th-"
I stopped talking when...
I saw color.
One girl's face turned a tan color, her hair being red. A boy's skin turned a light brown, his hair a black! They hallways were magical and glistened with color.
I look down and see my gray school uniform. I grab my hair to see my gorgeous (H/C) locks my parents have always told me about. I look at my free hand and see my (S/C) that my parents told me was a mix of them.
I look at my other hand that is held by a light skinned hand.
I slowly look up to see that boy that confronted our class.
He has gorgeous purple hair and eyes that I could stare into forever. His face was red, just as mine would be. He was just as shocked as me.
I didn't know what to do, everyone was staring at us. I could hear people whispering "What's going on", or "Are they soulmates?!"
My face and palms started to sweat and my goosebumps only got worse. I lost my train of thought when I heard Uraraka ask if I was alright.
"(Y/N)-san, are you ok?"
I look back at her with the most shocked face in the world.
I can feel tears in my eyes starting to form.
I mutter curses under my breath.
I quickly escape my hand from his and run as fast as I can.
"Wait!" I can hear him yell.
But I don't, I want to just leave and see everything in color. In it's purest form.
Once I leave the school my eyes widen in awe.
The grass and trees are an amazing green color. The sky is bright blue with few clouds to be seen.
And the sun is shinning a golden color, reflecting my skin.
I look at all of the people walking across the streets, entering and leaving stores. Children laughing and playing. I smile a great big smile.
My parents!
I take off again. Running with out a stop. Not caring if I can't even breathe.
As I enter my neighborhood I can only smile even wider.
As I quickly enter my home I yell for my parents.
"Mom! Dad! Come here, you won't believe what happened to me!"
My parents immediately run to me, worried.
"Are you alright honey?" "Did something bad happen?"
They're only standing a few feet away from me.
I admire all of their features.
My mother's black, silky hair. My father's drity blonde hair. My mother's honey brown eyes. My father's ocean blue eyes. Her tan skin, his lighter skin.
Before I know it I'm crying.
They run towards me, hugging me.
"Honey what happened?" "You can tell us anything."
"I m-met my s-soulmate, and n-now I can s-see c-c-color!"
They back up a little to observe me. Their faces are surprised, then happy.
"That's amazing (Y/N)!" "What's this boy look like?"
I dry my tears and smile at the thought of him.
"Well, he's got gorgeous purple hair and eyes. He's fairly tall and has light skin."
"He sounds dreamy sweety."
"Yeah he is... Wait."
Silence fills the room.
"It's ok! Have fun, be safe!"
"I will!" I yell back as I close the door.
I start to run back towards the school.
I don't even know his name!
I look behind me just to check. As I look forward I crash into something, or really someone!
"I-I'm sorry! A-Are you alri-"
It's him!
My soulmate!
I automatically reach out and hug him.
He immediately hugs back knowing it's me.
He separates from me and kisses me.
I kiss back, wrapping my arms around his neck. His hands are holding onto my waist.
We look at each other and smile.

I've found my soulmate...

1077 Words! :D

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