Chapter 1

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    Clary was on one of the many art exhibitions that the Brooklyn Academy of Arts made every trimester, but this was the first time one of her paintings were being shown.
    While talking to one of her professors, she saw a blonde guy with blue eyes and white t shirt and leather jacket watching her, somehow admiring her. He looked like someone she had met, but couldn't put a face into it. She excused her professor and walked to that mysterious dude, and the closer she got to him, more familiar he looked. She noticed his eyes weren't blue, one had a brown mark in it, and it just confused even more 'I wouldn't forget this eyes" she thought to herself. When she got closer to him, she noticed he looked surprised that she saw him, almost as she wasn't supposed to.
    'You can see me?" He asked her. "How wouldn't I?" She thought to herself.
    "Of course I can see you" she said.
    And with that, the boy ran away, almost as he was scared of her, like she would do something against him. She did the only thing she could think of: run, trying to catch this mysterious guy. She found him in a alley, right outside the Academy. She screamed for him and he finally stopped.
    'Do I know you from somewhere?" She asked.
    'No, I don't think so." he told her. She noticed something in his eyes, something that could only be described as pure sadness.
    ' No, I do.... I definitely do. You're Jace right?" And with that she noticed one more change in his eyes, like if he was finally happy after a long time.
    ' Yeah. Yeah, I'm Jace" he said with a smile. That smile that somehow stemmed so familiar to her.
    "I'm Clary" she said. " What are this tattoos on your neck?" She asked him while touching his tattoo. And them she notice a glimpse in his eyes, one that can only be described with one word: Hope.
    She was looking directly into his eyes, trying to remember from where she would know him.
    Suddenly, she felt a little dizzy and saw something. She some figures, similar to the one Jace had on his neck. She felt like somehow she should know them, like once they were familiar for her. 'Are you okay?" He asked while holding her so she wouldn't fall. She felt at home in his arms, wanting to be there forever.
    Jace couldn't believe that, somehow he was holding his girl away in his arms, something he never thought it would be possible. He wanted to tell her everything, so maybe she would remember and come back to him. But he knew he couldn't do it. But he knew something had changed. She wasn't supposed to see through his glamor, but yet she saw. " maybe the angels finally listened to my prayers" he thought to himself
    " Yeah, I'm fine. Just felt a little dizzy. I haven't eaten anything in a while" she said, still in his arms. She didn't want him to release her, she wanted to be there, forever. "Want to go somewhere and eat something?" She popped the question. "Just if you want too" she continued.
    "Why not?" He said. "But wouldn't people notice you're gone?"
    "Honestly, no. Come on, I know a coffee place that I used to go with my friend Simon" She said. They were walked in the street in silence. Jace couldn't help but fell like the whole last year didn't happened. It just felt like when they were going to their first date, walking around New York in silence, just the two of them. They were walking when she finally spoked:
    "Now that I think about, its been a while since I don't talk to him. Going to text him later" she continued.
    "Really, when was the last time you've spoken to him?" Jace asked, out of curiosity.
    "Since my 18th birthday last year. We went to Pandemonium, a night club near by. I was with him and Maureen when I bumped into someone. All I remember about that night is walking into the night club, after that I don't remember anything. I think I had to much too drink that night" She said with a giggle. Jace couldn't help but smile. How much he missed hearing her giggle. After a while she continued " The next day I wake up at the loft and that my mom had left me a note saying she had too travel somewhere with Dot, our neighbor, and wasn't coming back for a while. After some days I got the news that they'd an accident and didn't resist. It broke me, and not having Simon or Luke near me made it worse. After that I've thrown myself into art so that I didn't ended up being depressed" she paused for a moment and then continued "Sorry for the sad story".
    He just didn't have words. How could the angels be so cruel, making her forget everything and live alone, throwing her at the mundane world again without anybody.
    " I'm so sorry you went through that. I know how it is to lose a parent and not have anyone to help you with it." He finally said. After that, they were silent all the way until they arrived Java Jones.
    "So, enough with the heavy stuff. Let's order and they we can talk and know each other a little"
    They ordered and went to grab a table. Jace did his best to look like everyone there and not to look like a shadow hunter that didn't know how a coffee shop worked.
    They stayed there for two hours, just talking. Jace kept asking things about her, so the topic wasn't really him. He didn't wanted to give anything about the shadow world away. But sometimes, he let some things about himself slip.
    "So you really asked your dad to have a bathtub full of spaghetti?" She asked.
    "Yes I did, and it was really cool, I have to tell you that" he answered her. After a year mourning her loss, he finally felt happy.
    "Jace, you still hadn't answered me. What are these tattoos on your neck? Do they mean something? Do you have more tattoos?" She was still concerned about her "vision", lets call it this way. She noticed he got a little alert and then he said getting up their table and taking the things to the counter "It's getting late, we should go". He sounded like he was in a hurry, but she didn't get why. She got up and left with him. She noticed that the tattoo topic wasn't something he wanted to talk about. "Cmon, I'll take you to your place. I wont let you walk around alone at this time of the night." She was surprised that he did that, and followed him. Her loft wasn't that far from the coffee shop. After a 10 minutes walk they were there.
    "So, it was fun meeting you Clary" He said.
    "I really hope we can do this again Jace. I mean, if you want we could go have dinner somewhere tomorrow" She said.
    "I would love to" he said with a smile and she couldn't help but think that this was the most beautiful smile she had ever seen.
    "Can I have your number so we can talk?" She said tooling her phone in her hands and giving it to him, so he could write it. He gave her phone back and said " See you tomorrow then. Text me the time and I will come here and give you a ride" He said, remembering the time they ran away from the vampires with that enchanted motorcycle, that he still had.
    "You have a bike? Cool, I've never ride one!" She said with a big smile. He couldn't help but feel a little sad that she didn't remember it. But she saw through a glamour! It had to mean something. 'So I guess I see you tomorrow then. Thank you for going on a coffee with me." She continued.
    " I really needed to distract a little. Goodnight Clary." he said.
    " Goodnight Jace" She said, and then kissed his cheek and went into her building.

Jace's POV

    After she entered the building, i just didn't know how to feel. I was happy to see her again, but sad that she had her memory compromised. While walking to the institute, i was thinking about the possibilities i could have to have her back. If she saw through my glamor, it could mean she still have nephilim blood, so we could bring her back. Maybe the angels forgave her and where giving her memories back, or at least her powers.
    I knew i had to talk to everyone about it, so, as soon as i get to the institute, i go to Izzys room to talk to her.
    " Hey Iz"
    "Jace, where were you? I know you sneak out every night but today you came back later, i was worried."
    " Sorry Iz. But i really need to tell you something, and it cannot wait"
    " What Jace? You're scaring me"
    " I went to see Clary tonight, like i do every night. I was at one of her art exhibitions as I always do, and she saw me Izzy! Like, through the glamour!" I say and she almost felt from her make up desk.
    " WHAT?" She screams
    " Yes, then I ran away but she came after me, asking if she knew me. I said that I didn't think so, but she said yes and asked if I was Jace. She somehow remembers me Iz! What if there is a way to i get her memories back Izzy?"
    " Jace, of course this means something. But I don't want you to get your hopes up"
    " I know Iz, but there must be a way. She even told me about Simon and Luke, but that she hadn't seen them since her birthday last year. There has to be a way"
    "Lucky you, Magnus and Alec are coming here tomorrow. Maybe we can ask Magnus if he knows something. But, how is she?"
    " She's good, she knows that her mom died, but i think her memory got changed so she said she was traveling and suffered an accident. I feel so bad for her Iz, she's all alone. She asked me to go dinner with her tomorrow night. So maybe we have something until them and i try to get something more of her"
    "Jace, just be careful ok. I don't want you to hurt your fellings"
    " They are hurt since the moment she left Iz. I'm going to bed, I think you should do the same. Night Iz, and thanks for the support"
    " Night Jace. And hey, you two will have your happy ending, i believe"
    "Thanks Iz"
    As I did every night before i got to sleep, I pray for the angels so they forgive her and i can have my girls back. And maybe they are listening to my prays. For the first time after a year i feel like things are going to be ok.

Clary's POV

    After getting to my building, I couldn't get over the feeling that I had since I saw Jace. I just wanted to stay with him forever, to be in his arms, to talk to him, almost like he was the most important person in my life.
When I saw him, for the first time, all I wanted was to draw him, so that was what I was going to do. I took my notebook and flipped the pages when some drawings caught my attention. It was a drawing of Jace, that I did some months ago. But how? I know I have the feeling of knowing him already, but I thought it was just a fragment of my imagination.
    I started drawing him and couldn't stop thinking about his tattoos. I felt like they meant something important. When I noticed, I had finished the drawing and it was almost 3 in the morning, so I decided to sleep. When I closed my eyes, images of the blond i just met came floating my mind. But they didn't fell like dreams at all....

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