Pit, pat, pit, pat. Footsteps pad across critically shallow water, their soft sound echoing through the starry world where they walk. All other then that... It was quiet... The being in that strange world didn't mind however. They enjoyed the silence they had grown up with. It welcomed them into its arms more then any other human ever would. And it was grateful for this cold, dark, silence. It sat down on the edge of the strange, circular cliff and waited, counting the little crystals in the sky. Then, an unanswerable thing started to happen..... faint lights in the colors of blue, and light pink, and purple, all began to gently glow and then fade into the dark. They sat in awe as though it was their first time experiencing this display, even if it was quite familiar to their calm, smiling eyes. They then began to gently hum... it was the only noise in their infinite world of silence. A simple, sweet, melody. The lights were dim as they hummed, as if putting all their energy into being able to hear after so long of silence. Or maybe it was so loud to them after such a while that they had to get farther away to be able to enjoy the new sense. The being sat there... becoming emotional with the new feeling. This feeling of sadness, and joy, and excitement. Then... They did something daring.... so very brave indeed... Something that they never thought they might be brave enough to do. They sang. It was so surprising to everything around them, even themselves, that they didn't know how to react. Some might ponder... well? What did the being sing? What could they possibly say that would cause such surprise. Well, dear reader, they sang the truth.... Something so painful and yet so noble. They sang a song of something that they must live with, but wish to push aside. The words they sang, were of a personal world that went like this" alone... at the edge of a universe humming a tune.... in a world filled with serenity and night... I will be silent forevermore... but will sing on.... tonight... " and then they stood, and like all other stories I read to you dear reader, they walked away... into their dark, silent home with the familiar pit, pat, pit, pat noise their feet made across the shallow water...
( Thanks for reading. I'm sure there will be more to come. If you have any prompts I would be happy to see them! )
The Author's Stories
NouvellesThis is a collection of short stories I've written that I decided I wanted to share. Most of these are angst. They aren't connected, I wrote almost all of them individually except the Stage stories.