Bike Rider On the Highway

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I like to take midnight drives on the highway.
It's not safe to drive so late at night with a mind like mine.
Its like a landmine covered field piled on with pretty daisies to distract you from the real truth. A sad truth but most of them are.
So I drive. I drive far away from anyone who can try and stop me from what I wish to do when I reach the end within my car.
Well, I can drive away from all except one person.
Theres a little boy who takes his bike for midnight rides down the highway.
And I fear he'll be hit or taken and hurt so I watch him closely.
I've been watching him for so long now that I figure maybe he's also lonely.
Because only the loneliest souls go out for midnight rides or drives this often.
Its upsetting, that this little boy I dont know keeps me alive.
All because I fear he'll be hurt if I dont watch him on his nightly ride.
I would tell him, no beg, him to stop if only I didnt fear I'd scare him off.
So he has become my lifeline.
My little boy who rides his bike at midnight who I must watch so he can stay alive and live a life happier than mine.

(Poetry? Kinda? I don't know. I was going through sad boi hours.)

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