Chapter 1

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The boy from the train
One time, there was this girl named Eva, a typical highshool teenager, had to go to the subway to get to school since her car was in the mechanic. She got into the train, sat down, and the first thing she saw was a hot guy.

Her eyes got distracted on the boy, who was sitting in the other side reading a book when a stranger approached him and sat next to him, he got so pissed off that he ended up beating the stranger so nobody would be next to him and the stranger left scared and shocked. Eva was really surprised, but she noticed his eyes were a bit red which meant he was probably high.

After that, Eva had 2 more stops until she arrived to her school and when she looked again to see the boy, he disappeared only to find out that he (surprisingly) was now sitting next to her.

She got really uncomfortable because the possibly dangerous guy was now sitting next to her. Suddenly he spoke to her: "I can't figure out if I should start this conversation with a compliment, a horrible pick-up line, or a simple hello. You choose."

At first, Eva just laughed awkwardly and kept trying to ignore him, he tried to get her attention by moving more close to her and then ended up touching her hair very softly and finally got her attention.

Eva finally looked over at him: "You should start with a simple hello and a introduction. "

He smirked and answered: "Whatever you want beautiful. My name is Jungkook. What's your name gorgeous?"

Eva lifted a brow at him: "I thought I said just a simple hello and no compliments."

Jungkook grinned: "You weren't that specific."

She rolled her eyes and smiled: "Yes I was and you didn't even say hello. Anyway my name is Eva."

"A beautiful name for a beautiful girl. So, where are you going?"

"Well my parents taught me stranger danger, so I'm not telling specially because you beat up that guy for sitting next to you and you're high. I'm actually surprised you can keep up a conversation in your state."

"Well I'm used to it. And we're not strangers anymore." He winked at her.

The train came to a stop and Jungkook stood up: "I'm sure I'll see you again soon."

He started walking and before he left Eva said: "Don't keep your hopes up."

When Eva arrived at school, she was going to text her parents that she was safe but when she went through her bag, she didn't find her phone and she suspected that HE probably stole it.

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