Chapter 8

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Eva got up and went down to the kitchen to make breakfast but when she looked at the couch and saw her father's clothes folded when she walked close she saw a post-it that said:
"Thanks for everything, sorry I had to go"

Eva picked up the clothes and put them in the washing machine and then she started making breakfast, she ate, and then she called her friend Alexa to spend the day together since they hadn't spent so much time together recently. Eva went to Alexa's house and they went to the pool at her backyard and they had a sleepover.

Eva stayed at Alexa's for 2 days, until Monday morning when she left to go back to her house because her parents were coming back that evening and obviously she had school.

Eva said goodbye to Alexa and her family and went home. She dressed up and left a note to her parents at the table telling: "I'm at school. See u when I come back. Love u."

Eva went to school. At lunchtime she met with Taehyung and Alexa, they spoke about everything they did on the weekend, but Eva didn't tell anyone what had happened with Jungkook.

After school Eva went on her way home. When she arrived she saw her parents in the living room talking and when they realized that Eva had come home, they quickly hugged her and her mom said: "Eva we have a surprise, your cousin Jisoo and your aunt came from Australia and they are going to stay here while they find a house to buy here. They arrive tomorrow. So help us clean the house please."


Eva and her parents got up the next day and told her she wouldn't be going to school to receive Jisoo and Dahyun (her aunt). The 3 went to the airport and picked up Jisoo and Dahyun, they took them to their house and showed them everything. Eva showed Jisoo several places, while her parents stayed at the house talking to Dahyun. When it was night Dahyun went to sleep in the guest room and Jisoo went to Eva's room and they stayed up talking all night.

The next day Eva and Jisoo got dressed to go to school.

~ At school ~

"Jisoo these are my friends Alexa and Taehyung."

"It's very nice to meet you"

Alexa smiled: "Ohh we got a new friend here."

Taehyung laughed at Alexa's enthusiasm: "Yes finally, you two were getting kind of annoying".

Alexa put a hand to her heart and feigned hurt: "Ouch that hurt!"
And they all started laugh

~Skip to lunch hour~

They talked during the whole lunch hour. And got to know each other better.

Tae looked at Jisoo: "So Jisoo where are you from?"

"I'm from Australia, but moved here because my mom got a job and most of my family lives here."

Alexa suddenly realized: "That's the reason you have an accent."

When Eva and Jisoo were already alone on the way to the next class Jisoo started to jump up and down: "That friend of yours is super cute!"

Eva looked at her and started to laugh: "You just stated the obvious."

When they were going to leave school, Jisoo received a text from her cousin that said: "Hey Jisoo I heard you came to Korea, I'm having a party tonight and we can celebrate your arrival. You can invite your friends too"

"Guys, my cousin just texted me saying that he is going to have a party today in his house, do you want to go?"

Eva said: "Yes of course, we can celebrate your arrival."

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