Chapter 13

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Eva and Jungkook both stayed still looking at the person standing at the doorway, until the person fell to the floor. Immediately both of them ran to the him.

"Tae, Tae oh my god. Tae I'm so sorry please please. what's wrong oh my Tae wake up!!"

Now Eva had tears in her eyes she felt like this all was her fault

Jungkook started shaking him: "Tae wake up please."

After checking on him Jungkook said: "I think he fell because he's super drunk"

Eva started wiping her tears: "I hope he's okay."

"Don't worry we messed up but please don't cry."

At that exact moment Alexa appeared at the doorway.

Eva I'm so sorry I lost him from sight, I just went to look for snack for like a minute and he disappeared. I'm so so sorry and don't blame Felix he's with Changbin, you know I think they have something going on."

Even if this was an awful situation the 3 couldn't help but laugh at the last part of Alexa's apology speech.

After they stopped laughing, Alexa said: "Okay guys umm how about if we lay Tae on your bed?"

Eva quickly got up: "o-oh yeah yeah I think that's a good idea."

Jungkook picked him up: "I'll do it."

Jungkook took Taehyung on his shoulders and laid him on the bed.

Alexa asked: "So who's taking him home?"

"Well I have to clean the house maybe you can, Jungkook?"
She said frowning, waiting for a response.

"okay I will, but I came here on my motorcycle."

Alexa thought for a moment: "You could drive Tae with his car then you come back here, park the car and leave on your motorcycle to your house."

"That's a great idea, what do you think?"

Now both girls were looking at Jungkook

"yeah I'll do that" He said giving Alexa a thumbs up.

"Okay guys I'm leaving before this turns into an awkward atmosphere."

Alexa left the room and closed the door behind her.

Eva stared at him: "What was that?"

"I really don't know, you have weird friends Eva."

"Ohhhh I have weird friends says who? The supposedly bad guy, ohhh I'm so intimidated." Eva said rolling her eyes.

"Oh please"

"Okay Jungkook I feel like it's time to make a plan for tomorrow. Like we need to give Tae his car tomorrow."

"Don't worry we will."

"But what if he remembers... what are we going to do?"

"I don't think he will, but if he does, well we will tell him that it was my fault okay, so like I already said please don't worry."

"Thank you, but just please promise me that won't happen again".

"Eva I don't make promises"

"Ughhh that player attitude had to be revealed at some point".

"yeah yeah"

"I'm going downstairs to check on everyone else."

"Okay I'll take care of Tae for now but expect to see me there in half an hour after I take him home."

When Eva went down stairs there were even more people than before. She was so frustrated and didn't want to think about what would happen tomorrow with Tae. Before she knew it, she started drinking. 5 cups of beer later she was dizzy but she didn't care, she didn't even remember what had happened about half an hour earlier.

Jungkook took Tae home and then came back to the party. Jungkook went to look for Eva and when he found her he couldn't believe what he saw. Eva was dancing very closely with Jaehyun.

When the song was over Jungkook went toward Eva and said: "I wasn't even gone an hour and you got drunk."

"I don't care what you say, I'm having fun." Then she got very close to him with a grin on her face.

"You know that you're going to regret this in the morning."

Eva dismissed what he said: "You know you're extremely hot and I like kissing you." She pulled Jungkook down to kiss him but he stopped her.

"I'm not going to kiss you when you're like this."

Eva started pouting: "Are you jealous of me and Tae?"


"Shit, my plan didn't work."

Jungkook was very confused: "What plan?"

Eva without a care in the world said: "My plan to make you jealous by dating Tae."


"Come on, let's dance."

She pulled Jungkook by his shirt and started dancing. Jungkook was still processing what she said. Until Eva said: "I don't feel so good" suddenly she puked on the floor and ran to the bathroom.

Jennie got close to him and said: "That's what you want, instead of me."

"She's better than you'll ever be."

She turned around and stumped her way over to Jimin, pulled him by the collar of his shirt and kissed him.

Jungkook rolled his eyes and went after Eva.

~The next morning~

Eva woke up on the couch and realized everyone had left. She had a huge headache.

Jisoo came down the stairs and saw the look Eva was giving her and said: "After you started puking, Jungkook made everyone leave and when you finally felt better he carried you to the couch and then you passed out."

Eva looked around and saw that the house was a mess, there were cups and food everywhere and in some places there was even vomit. It was disgusting.

"I don't remember anything after Jungkook said he was going to take Tae home."

"That's probably because you got extremely drunk and now have an epic hangover. But don't worry you'll probably remember in a few hours or maybe days."

"I would rather never remember, especially if I puked in front of EVERYONE."

"Well that's not my problem. My problem is this gigantic mess." She said signaling around the house.

"Well let me take an aspirin and then I'll help you."

When Eva was going to get up there was a knock on the door and she went to open it. Jungkook and Tae were standing there, Eva almost started panicking. But before she could say anything Jungkook said: "Tae and me came to take his car but before we left, we thought we could help you guys clean the house."

Jisoo quickly said: "Come in we need all the help we can get."

Tae and Jisoo started cleaning, and before Eva started Jungkook whispered in her ear: "He doesn't remember anything from last night, I told you that you didn't need to worry." And he smirked.

Eva was relieved but at the same time she thought of what the hell she did last night.

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