Chapter 1

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Author's Note: This is a story and completely fiction about KristSingto. Take what is written with a grain of salt and a dash of humor. If you do not appreciate this type of art, do not read. No one is forcing you to scroll down, so please know, if you do, it is YOUR decision alone that had you reading.

All photos belong to the photographers; the men belong to GMM (and themselves). I own the plot...that's about it.

One last thing. Please, PLEASE. Do not translate and post elsewhere under any other title or writer. TALK TO ME. I am not unreasonable!

Now, on to the story! 

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Why are you still looking at me?! Them! Them! Not me!!*hides!*

Fujoshi Fever

Chapter 1

"I hurt all over..." Singto entered the green room and flopped rather ungracefully, not really caring how it looked as he closed his eyes, resting his head against the back of the chair. Every muscle ached. They had been practicing a grueling choreography, and he was still struggling through some of the footwork. That damn mirror reflected his disjointed moves making him self-conscious.

Dress rehearsal was next week, so he was thinking of staying an extra hour to practice, but he would need his partner in crime to stay with him because the routines always depended on their interactions. Maybe if they worked one on one, he would be able to get the moves down better. He was a perfectionist, but with Krist, he didn't feel so pressured to be so.

Speaking of. Singto forced his tired muscles to contract and sat up to peer blearily around the room at the others who were sprawled out in whatever position they landed, comfortable or not. Most of them were waiting for their rides; others were waiting for their friends to get out of the other practice room.

"Hey, anyone seen Kit?" His partner was conspicuously missing. Again. He had developed a strange habit in the last couple of weeks since the Jujune fan meet. Usually social, Krist was spending quite a bit of time alone on his phone going through a range of emotions but never would explain exactly what he found so engaging.

"He was here a few minutes ago. I saw him get some water and head out of the room. Thought he might be going to the bathroom." P'Gun drowsed. It wasn't what he was thinking; everyone suspected that Krist had a girlfriend and was keeping her secret, but no one wanted to ask.

Slouching, Singto debated on finding Krist or just going home. He really needed the extra practice, but he was so exhausted these days. School was a steady stress, work was hectic as they prepared for another fan meet and he was still in filming for his latest show, not to mention the modeling sessions and fan teasers between rehearsals. He rarely had time to himself, and what little time he did get, he usually spent asleep because it was the only way to keep from burning out. Lionize and Peraya were counting on him though, so in the end, he opted to drag himself to his feet and trip his way out of the green room to find his partner.

He finally found Krist, strangely enough, in a corner of the dance studio where they had spent the last six hours. He had his back to the mirror sitting on the floor and scrolling one handed through whatever he was intently reading. Singto always did like to watch the expressions on Krist's face because he rarely could hide his feelings. If he was embarrassed, his ears would turn red, followed by his cheeks. If he was happy, his eyes sparkled and his smile could light up the world. If he was angry, his brow would furrow together in a glare of annoyance. At the moment, he was a combination of embarrassed and amused.

"Kit? Why are you in here?"

Krist nearly jumped out of his skin, and his phone clattered to his lap. He snatched it and clicked the screen dark thankful for a lock screen as the blush that had been light, darkened in mortification. "I..."

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