Chapter 2

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"Hey, have you seen Kit?" Singto caught Fiat as he came out of the interview room as he entered the studio building. "I just got in from classes, and he is not answering his phone."

"Oh, Mama called in sick today. He said that he was going to the doctor. He might be in the doc's office and that is why his phone is off right now. Hey, are you ok? You look worn out." Fiat got a good look at Singto, who had dark circles under his eyes and a haunted look. "Did you eat today?"

"Hard day at school. I have a test coming up. I will eat in a little bit." It was a standard and believable excuse, but not the truth. He neglected to mention how he had barely slept the night before, continuously trying to get Krist to answer his phone and not succeeding. He had not been able to choke down food in worry. At some point his body had shut down on him, and he woke this morning to a raging headache from sleeping crooked on the desk, his arm for a pillow. He did have a line message waiting for him, but it wasn't from Krist. He tried all morning before his classes, even stalking Krist's Instagram and Twitter feeds, but there was no update on either one of them since the night before, and even though he posted a picture on his own feed, Krist still had not liked the image, which was something he religiously did. Krist was just not answering him. He had tried again all day between classes, but still to no avail. He was going to corner his partner at work today, but now that was not going to be possible because of his absence. Doctor? More like hiding, from him specifically. But why?

"Take care of yourself, Papa. We don't need you getting sick too. Get some rest. You look awful." Fiat patted Singto on the shoulder and headed into the green room to get a bottle of water.

Singto found P'Jane waiting for him, who did a double take of horror. Singto looked awful! He looked nearly ready to fall down, and he could swear the boy lost 10 pounds he couldn't afford to lose last night alone. "What did you do?!" P'Jane bustled over and looked Singto over, taking his school bag from his shoulder. "You look like a feather could knock you down. Sit. I will bring you some refreshments."

"No, that's ok, P'Jane. Have you heard from Kit?"

"P'Yui said that N'Krist was going to the doctor today after he called in sick early this morning. She was going to go meet him, but he told her that he was just going to go back home after his appointment and get some sleep. It looks like you need to do the same thing. Did you not sleep last night?" He pushed an open bottle of Oishi in his hands. "Here, drink that. Slowly."

Singto took one sip, and even though he found it refreshing, his nerves had his gastritis on hyperdrive. His stomach threatened him rather viciously, so he could only toy with the bottle while fading into himself as his manager and coworkers buzzed around him. His mind was a whirlwind of activity. Why would Krist lie to everyone, including him? Why would he run away and hide, especially from him? He must have done something even though Krist had denied. What had he done?!

"P'Sing...P'Singto...Prachaya Ruangroj!"

Startled hearing his full name, Singto looked up to see P'Jane and the rest in the room staring at him. It was quiet, too quiet. "I've been calling your name several times. Where were you?" Although he physically had been sitting in the room, his mind was chasing everywhen and everywhere trying to figure out what could possibly be wrong with Krist and what could have happened to cause him to react the way he did the night before. The only thing he was certain about was that the phone was the source of the problem or at least held the evidence.

Singto just shook his head and took another little sip of the drink, only to cough as his body held true to its violent promise as the liquid melded with his stomach acid. P'Jane knelt in front of him and a couple of others rushed, giving him some napkins to cover his mouth.

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