Chapter 4

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"Kit?" Singto stepped into the house and glanced around. It was quiet, and Krist was nowhere to be seen immediately. That left two rooms left to check. The bathroom and the bedroom. He finally heard a soft sound from the bedroom the further he moved down the hall. He kept quiet, hoping that maybe he could figure out what the mystery was first hand and eliminate the need for speculation. The door was partly open, and he pushed gently to swing it open on silent hinges.

It wasn't what he expected. At the very least, Singto expected to catch a young man playing video games, watching a movie, entertaining a girlfriend or more shocking, watching a foreign pornography. But lying on the bed, feet kicked in the air, pillow tucked under his chest and chin...reading? He could tell it wasn't Krist's Instagram account or even any other social media outlet. He also knew one other thing. Krist hated to read, especially anything that took longer than a few seconds skimming.

Singto crept closer trying to see the screen, thankful for the earphones tucked in Krist's ears playing one of his favorite songs. Krist had always told him that he needed to wear his glasses or at least his contacts more often to see the screen on the phone at a distance because he always had trouble during their live feeds but he had never really took him seriously. Now he wished he had. He could only hope that he could get close enough to see without getting caught too soon.

Singto could hear that the music was rather loud as he tiptoed closer. He froze and his eyes were nearly as wide as saucers as he heard a girlish giggle come from his best friend, his feet swaying in the air. His ears turned a light shade of pink as he hid part of his face behind the corner of the pillow as a light blush spread over Krist's cheeks. Singto watched for a few seconds absolutely mystified and strangely charmed, but his curiosity got the best of him. He crept closer again, until he could make out some of what Krist was reading. Was that...his name?! He leaned down, so he was nearly within arms' reach to read the line with his own name in it.

Singto gently leaned in to whisper breathily into Krist's ear, "That can be arranged."

"What in the hell?!" Singto spoke out loud, and Krist, who finally realized that someone was over his shoulder, turned his head and looked at Singto nearly in the eyes. He shrieked and lurched away, startling Singto, who straightened and stumbled back. There were two thumps at nearly the same time as Krist fell off the other side of the bed, and Singto tripped on the rug and fell to the floor.

Two sets of eyes looked at each other over the edges of the bed, both red faces nearly identical in embarrassed mortification. Tinny music could be heard playing from the earbuds that were tangled around Krist, only moments before both of them spoke.

"What are you doing here?!"

"What are you reading?!!"

Both Singto and Krist scrambled to their feet in moves that could have been mistaken as choreographed had anyone witnessed their less than graceful moment.

"Seriously! P'Sing! What are you doing here?!" The absolute shock vibrated through Krist's entire frame.

"I came to see you! I wanted to talk with no one else around so maybe you could tell me what's going on." Singto's mind was a jumbled mess and short circuited. Why in the world would Krist be reading something like that?

"Nothing is going on!"

Singto let his frustration and stress dominate, pushing aside the content on the phone for a more pressing matter. "I've been worried, Kit! You scared me when you ran away from me a few days ago, and all I did was touch your phone! You don't want to know what I was thinking then, and it has only gotten worse with the way you keep avoiding me! Since then, every time I try to talk to you, you always change the subject back to our work and choreography or you run away from me to someone else so there is no chance to have a decent conversation!"

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