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Negan lunged out of his seat once we arrived back at the lineup. He grabbed Rick by the collar of his jacket and dragged him violently out the RV doors. I of course followed Negan like a lost puppy even though he told me to stay in the vehicle. I scanned the lineup.
"Natalie!" Kaylie cried when she saw me but was kneed in the back by Simon. "You mother-" I raced up to him but was stopped by Dwight aiming the crossbow to my head. "You fucking wouldn't, pal." I huffed. He pressed the cold metal more against the side of my head and lauged. "Yes I-"
"No you wouldn't Dwight!..." Negan finally decided to step in, "we...dont...kill..WOMEN!! Better yet, we follow my fucking rules! when I fucking give you orders, you most certainly motherfucking follow them, you got me!?" Negan ripped into Dwight, digging his fingers into Dwights chest. "I- I understand sir." Dwight gave in and lowered the crossbow. "Dwight, Im gonna be completely honest with you. Im just about to throw you into the rest of the lineup and have you prove that you really, really understand." Negan smirked and exaggerated the word 'really'.

"Alright! Lets get back to it!" Negan roared and swung his prized possesion eyeing Rick. "Prick get over here! Right here. Ground, now."  Negan taunted like Rick was some sort of puppy in training. "Time for some fun. Come here, son." Negan called to Carl. Carl and I's sight locked. His face was filled with braveness and pride but I can tell his mind felt different. My facial expression looked as if it had said "Just do it. Get whatever he wants over with."
Carl nodded to me. "Come on kid, I ain't got all day." Carl pranced over, posture sraight and all and stared at Negan. "What. Do. You. Want?" He said each word having an individual pause. Negan began taking his belt off and Carl was hit with a wave of nervousness. His face changed. "Negan, w-what are you doing?" I spoke up and Negan shushed me. "Still got that axe?" He asked. Nodding, I held it out. "Bring it to daddy, will ya?" He finished taking his belt off and mumbled a few words to Carl. I was now stood in front of him and tried placing the hatchet in his hands but he pulled away. "Uhh, Natalie...I meant Carl's daddy..not me." Negan laughed. Panicked and embarrassed I said "oh, right." and fake laughed passing it to Rick who was on his knees shaking his head. "Damm, thats how you really feel about me Natty? I dont remember you being this spry." Negan teased and pushed Carl to the rough rocky gravel. "Rick, cut your sons arm off will ya?" Negan calmly laughed holding Carl down from squirming. "Negan, No! We had a deal!" I shouted. "Calm down sweetheart, one quick chop and its all gonna be done with. Its simple."
"Negan, hes just a kid whose been through enough already. If anyones losing a fucking arm today its gonna be me! Let these people go and ill do whatever you want, ill even come back with you to your place!"
"Natalie, no-"
"Shh shh son. Nat, you'd really be willing to do that for aaaallll these people?"
"These people saved me and my family from being trapped out in the...I dont know, harshness, this world became. Im willing to do whatever for them as long as they dont die at the hands of you and your fucking people again! So yeah.....take me with you as soon as possible." I snapped. Negans eyes widened at the tone of my voice and laughed while scanning the lineup. Everyone was staring at me and Kaylie shook her head crying. "Natalie, no! I need you! krysta needs you!" I ran up to her and lifted her off her knees into a hug. "Its gonna be alright, I trust you enough to take care of Krysta. You wont be alone, remember. Everyone here is family," I leaned in to whisper, "Ill make it all work out, I promise. I love you." I patted her head and she gripped tighter to me. I held back my tears and pulled away walking back to Rick and helped him up.
"Natalie, please-"
"Rick I have to. For you. For Denise, Glenn," I paused. "Abraham. Lets just say its for the future of Alexandria and little Judith." I smiled. "Thank you." Rick cried and Carl shot up and pressed his mouth against mine. I squeezed him and kissed him harder and passionately. "Im gonna kill Negan for this, just you wait.."
"Mmm, my little daredevil. I won't forget about you. Ever." I laughed and Negan gripped my arm and pulled me away, leading me to his truck. "Now listen, this wont be the last fucking time we talk! I got a fully marked map of this 'Alexandria' place yall are running. Expect a little visit from us in a week or so, till then....Ta Ta." He flicked his middle finger at everyone. I took one last look at the broken group and waved. Maggie was crying next to Glenn's deceased body and Carl and Kaylie were hugging each other. I sat in the front seat next to Negan and watched Rick slightly smile as we drove away. Negan and I were finally alone. 

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