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Our wedding is so close. Cas, every day I am with you is a blessing. In a few more days we will be married and walk into a new chapter of our lives. I'm glad that I am doing this with you. We were looking at houses too. You said that this apartment was too small for the both of us and I agreed. I said that we should wait a while before we move out but you insisted that we have a small wedding so we could have a nice house. You have always been good at planning ahead and being on top of things when I can barely think about the next few hours because when I am with you, a few hours feels like a lifetime and I never want to leave.

I never once regretted the small wedding. Dean always thought we should have this big, spectacular wedding to show everyone just how much we were in love but materialistic items aren't what proves someones love for another, it's their actions and how they show their emotions. These letters are the perfect example and I read them over and over because they mean so much to me, Dean.

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