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Mamiko-Chan: Ok, since no one commented any dares, we'll just do our own dares.

Mikuni: It's because you don't know anything

Mamiko-Chan: *starts tearing up* A-are y-you saying t-that I'm d-dumb Mikuni-San?

Mikuni : *starts panicking* C-calm down Mamiko-Chan! Please don't cry! I-I'm sorry! I didn't mean it!

Mamiko-Chan: *starts crying*

Misono: Now look at you done you bastard!! She's crying now!!

Jeje: Your a jerk.......Mikuni.

Mahiru: I thought you were supposed to be smart Mikuni-San.

Kuro: So troublesome. Now we have to comfort a crying Mamiko-Chan. And it's all your fault.

Licht: Your a demon for making this angel of a child cry.

Lawless: I agree with Angel~babe.

Mikuni: I didn't mean it!

Hugh: How dare you make the sweet
Mamiko-Chan cry!

Tetsu: Big sis Mamiko-Chan is crying?

Lily:*moves to Mamiko-Chan and puts her on his lap and starts stroking her hair* Shhhh. It's alright Mamiko-Chan. I'm sure that Mikuni didn't mean to call you dumb. *looks at Mamiko-Chan with a gentle smile* Now then, can you calm down for me?

Mamiko-Chan: *sniffles* O-ok Lily-sama.

Mikuni: Hey, look Mamiko-Chan stopped crying!

Misono: That's because Lily calmed her down you bastard! Now go apologize!!!

Mikuni:*holds hand up in surrender* OK OK! *kneels down to Mamiko-Chan's height* Hey Mamiko-Chan, I'm sorry for calling you dumb. Can you forgive me?

Mamiko-Chan: *nods* On one condition!

Mikuni: Name it.

Mamiko-Chan: You have to tell Jeje-sama how you feel about him!!

Mikuni: *blushes* Pick something else.

Mamiko-Chan: Nope! You do want to be forgiven right? Then you have to do this!

Jeje: What is.........she talking............about?

Mikuni: Uh, nothing Jeje!*nervous laughter*

Mamiko-Chan: *whispers to others* Let's leave.

Mahiru: *whispers back* Why?

Mamiko-Chan: I'll tell you when me and the others go outside.

Mahiru:*nods* *motions to the others to leave Mikuni and Jeje alone*


Mamiko-Chan and others: *leave*

Jeje: What did she..........mean about how you..........really feel about me Mikuni?

Mikuni:*scratches back of neck* Ah, well you see........You know how always annoy the hell out of you and refuse to give you blood?

Jeje: How could ...... I forget.

Mikuni: Well it's supposed to be a coverup for how I really feel.

Jeje: How you.........really feel?


Jeje: So, how do you...........really feel about me?

Mikuni:*blushes* Ah well, you see it's a bit complicated.

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