KuroMahi Confession

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Kuro quickly ran out of the room while holding Mahiru who was blushing and shouting, 'KURO PUT ME DOWN RIGHT NOW!' It wasn't until that they were far away from everyone did Kuro finally put Mahiru down.


Kuro just remained silent with his bangs shadowing his eyes as his head was down. Mahiru noticed this and became slightly worried.

Mahiru: Kuro...?

Kuro still remained silent. Mahiru walked closer to Kuro.

Mahiru: Hey Ku-?!

Mahiru was cut off as Kuro pushed Mahiru kind of roughly against the wall and put both of his hands on ether side of him so that he couldn't escape. His head was still down and bangs still shadowing his eyes.

Mahiru: K-Kuro?

Kuro then lifted up his head and Mahiru couldn't help but draw in a small breath. The look in Kuro's eyes was scary. They had a possessive and murderous look in them that would make anyone scared to move even a millimeter. Mahiru was actually even more terrified then when he felt Kuro's KI. This stare was definitely more terrifying.

Mahiru: K-K-Kuro?

Kuro was still silent and kept on staring at Mahiru with that terrifying gaze that he had on. Mahiru was about to speak again but Kuro finally spoke In a deathly low voice.

Kuro: No one, I repeat, no one is allowed to touch or get close to you because you belong to me and only me.

Mahiru:*confused* But why?

Kuro:*sighs* Mahiru, I really hope that you realize that you mean everything to me. If I had to choose between saving your life or mine, I would always choose you. You are the only one who has ever seen me at my worst, and yet, you still stayed with me. Mahiru, I love you more then you ever know. Mahiru, you are my light. And if you ever died, I wouldn't know what to do except wishing that I wasn't the cause for your death. I wouldn't know what do without you Mahiru. You....complete me.

Mahiru was just staring at Kuro with his mouth open and then began laughing like crazy. Kuro was confused at why his Eve was laughing.

Mahiru: D-don't te-tell m-me t-that Yo-your jeal-jealous Kuro!

Kuro just stared at Mahiru with a confused look on his face before all of the pieces clicked in his mind. He then began to blush every single shade of red and said 'can't deal.' While looking down. Mahiru just smiled at his Servamps shyness.

Mahiru:*in head* He's such a Tsundere. Just like 2 other people I know.*out of head* Hey Kuro, look at me.

Kuro looked up at Mahiru and was surprised to feel his lips on Mahiru's. Mahiru put both of hands on ether sides Kuro's hoodies to pull the both of them closer. Kuro was surprised, but then he put one hand on the back of Mahiru's head to make them go even more closer, his other arm going hanging limply at his side. They kissed for only a few seconds before they pulled away. Kuro just had a red face with steam coming out from both of his ears while Mahiru was just smiling softly at Kuro's obvious Tsundere-ness.

Mahiru: And here I thought that you weren't capable of emotions, Kuro.

Kuro: Mendoukuse. I do have emotions but I'm just to lazy to show them.

Mahiru: So you admit that your lazy then.

Kuro: Shut up you Baka housewife.

Mahiru:*laughs* Whatever Kuro. Now cmon, the others are probably worried about us.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 08, 2019 ⏰

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