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The Eves and Servamps were just chilling and relaxing when Author-Chan came in.

Author-Chan: Yo guys, is it alright if I borrow the Greed pair for awhile?

Greed Pair: No we don't mind.

Author-Chan:*claps hands together* Perfect! Come with me!

The Greed pair followed Author-Chan out of the room and into the empty hallway.

Licht: So, What did you need us for Angel-in-Training Number 2?

Author-Chan: You have dare that involves Hyde.

Hyde: Ok? What is it?

Author-Chan: Lawless was dared to tease Licht in any way that he can.

Hyde: Sorry Author-Chan, But it already hurts when angel~babe kicks me when I don't tease him.

Author-Chan: Ah! But that is the beauty of the dare Hyde! Licht isn't allowed to kick you if you tease him!

Licht/Hyde: THE FUCK?!?/YAHOO!!

Author-Chan: So go back in the room with a bang guys!

Hyde: You got it Author-Chan!!

Hyde then dragged Licht back into the room where the rest of the Eves and Servamps are.

Hyde: We're baaaack!~

Kuro: Mukiaene. You don't have to do that. We would've known if you came back in because of the door.

Hyde: Ah. I see.

Mahiru: So What did Author-Chan want with you guys?

Hyde: She just wanted to tell me and angel~babe of a dare we had~

Hugh: What is it?

Hyde: I get to tease angel~babe as much as I want and he can't kick me~

Lily: You do realize that when the dare is over Licht is gonna want to kick you right?

Hyde: The pain will be worth it.

Licht:*under breath* Damn masochist.

Hyde: What was that angel~babe?


Hyde: *laughs* I love you too angel~babe!

Licht was really tempted kick Hyde but he couldn't because of the dare.

Hyde: Your not kicking me angel~babe? Does that mean that you feel the same way?

Once again, Licht really wanted to kick Hyde but because of the dare, he couldn't.

Hyde: *gasps* Angel~babe loves me? YAHOO!

That was the last straw for Licht.

Licht: *shouts* Screw the dare! Get back here you damn shit rat! Let me kick you!!

Hyde then gulped and began running away.

Hyde: Wahh! Author-Chan help me!!

Author-Chan: Licht stop!

Licht: And why should I?!

Author-Chan: I'll give you some melons~~

Licht: Fine.

Hyde then let out a sigh of relief.

Author-Chan: Oh, before I forget, can I talk to you alone Hyde?

Hyde:*confused* Uh, ok?

Author-Chan then turned to the others. They got her message and left the room so Author-Chan and Hyde could talk in private.

Servamp Truth or DareWhere stories live. Discover now