Eves and Servamps-Dare

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Mamiko-Chan: We have another dare guys!

Eves and Servamps: TWO DARES TWO DAYS IN A ROW?!?!

Mamiko-Chan: Yeah? Is there anything wrong with that?

Eves and Servamps:*remembers the last time they made Mamiko-Chan mad**shudders*

Lawless: Spill the tea Mamiko-Chan! What's the dare?!

Mamiko-Chan: Actually, I haven't read the dare yet. I just got notified that we have a dare.

Kuro: Mendoukuse. So this is going to be the first time we'll actually read the dare?

Mamiko-Chan: Pretty much.

Misono: Hurry up and open it already!

Mamiko-Chan:OK! OK!*under breath* Don't get Lily to strip for you in private.

Lily:*hears what Mamiko-Chan whispered**gets a tint of pink on cheeks*

Mamiko-Chan: Anyways, let's read the dare now!*opens envelope that has dare in it and reads the dare**starts turning red* U-Uh.....

Mahiru: Are you okay Mamiko-Chan? Your turning red. Do you have a fever?*attempts to put hand on forehead but Mamiko-Chan pulls away*

Mamiko-Chan: I-IM FINE! Uh... I mean I'm fine Mahiru-San.

Mahiru:*confused* Uh, ok?

Mikuni: Tell is the dare already Mamiko-Chan! Abel-Chan here is getting impatient!~

Mamiko-Chan:*mumbles under breath*

Licht: Speak up! We can't hear you!

Mamiko-Chan:*mumbles a little louder*

Hugh: Just tell us the stupid dare already!


Kuro, Lily, Lawless, Licht, and Jeje:*starts turning red*

Mikuni:*smirks because he knows exactly what a lemon fanfic is*

Mahiru, Misono, Tetsu, and Licht: Huh?

Tetsu: Why are we going to read a fanfic about lemons Big Sis Mamiko-Chan?

Misono: I want to know as well.

Mahiru: Same.

Licht: If were reading a fanfic about fruits let's read one about melon instead.

Mamiko-Chan: Not that kind of lemon Tetsu. The uh, other kind of lemon.

Licht:*realizes what she means and starts turning five hundred million shades of red* So that's the kind of lemons you're talking about.

Misono: What is it? Tell us.

Licht: I'll tell you and the other blondie but not the Angel-in-Training.*goes to whisper in there ears what Mamiko-Chan means when there going to read a lemon fanfic*

Misono: *becomes redder than Higans hair*

Tetsu: *has a tint of pink on his cheeks*

Mahiru: Tell me too Licht-San.

Licht: Sorry. No can do Angel-in-Training.

Mahiru: *gains irk mark* Stop calling me that Licht-San! Just tell me what it means already!

Licht: No.

Mahiru: Fine.*turns to Mamiko-chan* What does lemon fanfics mean?

Mamiko-Chan:*proceeds to tell him but sees the death glare that Kuro, Licht, and Hyde are sending her way and closes her mouth*

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