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“Atlantis was given a second chance from Poseidon,
but he needed to give them the ability to survive;
hidden away from watchful eyes.
So he made an irrational thought,
and gave the city back it’s stolen life
by providing them the heart of the 7 seas.
And with it, they will rise to become
the most powerful civilization - turned kingdom -
in the depths of the ocean waves.”


The little girl laughed, running away from her parents.

She danced through the forest floor as her little white dress flowed behind her, her little hands waving in the air as she tried to keep her laughter down.

Her father always told her to never run from them, especially in other creatures’ land. But she was one curious girl, even at eight years old she’d already found out about a lot of stuff. She never listened to the warnings, she wanted to learn more, and she will.

Her bare feet landed on the pavement gracefully with each step she took, her blonde hair was a mess of curls with leaves and sticks stuck to it.

Her blue eyes glowed with happiness, she was already miles away from her parents who didn’t noticed her disappearance as they were stuck in a meeting with the Alphas.

Her fast pace and ability to fly helped her escape. She was in the city moments ago, now she was deep into an unknown forest.

She stopped, breathing in deeply as she looked at the surroundings around her. Everything looked so beautiful.

She smiled, even though it was an extremely dark forest with no animals she still found beauty in it.

Satisfied, she used her hands to levitate herself from the ground, her little hands glowing blue. She was about to take off into flight to go back, when she noticed a figure standing behind a tree.

Shocked, she lost her concentration and fell back towards the ground.

“Oww.” She groaned, clutching her bottom. Her eyes landed on the figure behind the tree, it was a little boy who looked to be about her age. Looking at her with no emotions.

A smile crept it’s way to her lips as she waved at him. Standing up, she walked her way over to him.

“Hello,” she greeted him softly.

Tucking her hair, she smiled shyly. It wasn’t everyday you meet someone new. The boy didn’t respond and only looked at her with his dark brown eyes.

He was pale, his jet black hair sticking up in different places. His clothes were disheveled and she noted that he wore all black, except for the small piece of blanket that hang from his pants, it was white.

“I’m Alizza. What’s your name?” She approached him. “Why are you here?” His harsh tone surprised her, she cleared her throat and started fidgeting; he was making her nervous.

She felt like they have this connection and she doesn’t know what it could possibly be.

“I ran away from my parents,” she stated. He wrinkled his eyebrows at her and looked at her form.

“You really shouldn’t be here, I’m surprised you even made it this far. I’m Theu — ” he was cut off by a powerful roar.

His eyes widened and he shouted at her, “USE YOUR POWERS!” Confused, she opened her mouth to say something but the roars were drawing closer.

He groaned, she tried reaching out to him but he already pushed her away, running deeper into the forest.

“Hey, wait!” She shouted at him, but was thrown back when black smoke surrounded the area. On panic, she quickly flew away from the place.

Looking down only to see the little boy glance up at her before getting eaten by the black smoke. She gasped, flying away quickly in fear.

She knows she made a mistake, she shouldn’t have left him there. Tears sprang to her eyes but she forced it down.

She got to the city quickly, where she found her parents already freaking out.

Only having noticed her gone now, after the stressing meeting was over with.

Her father noticed her and ran towards his daughter, hugging her to him. Holding her in his arms like she’ll break in any moment, like a fragile doll.

“Oh dear!” Her mother shouted in relief going over to her, cupping her face in her hands, checking to see if she was hurt. After realizing that she was alright, she puffed out a breath and sat on the pavement.

Covering her eyes as she shed tears, her hormones spiked up because of worry, her shoulders shook as sobs broke through her. She was pregnant after all and it was hard to contain her emotions.

Alizza quickly went to her side, “Mother, I’m sorry I never meant to make you worry.”

Her father picked her up in his arms and guided his wife up as she cried on his shoulder. “Don’t do that again Alizza, we were so worried.”

He scolded her and his wife calmed down from her crying. “I’m sorry father, I was just curious of what’s inside the forest.”

She whimpered and hugged her father with one hand, holding her other hand out to her mother who smiled sadly at her, taking her little hand in her big ones.

“Dangerous things lurk in the forest, princess. Please be careful next time.” She whispered and kissed her daughter’s forehead.

Her parents thank the Alphas who smiled at her, one Alpha even ruffled her hair and took out the sticks and leaves that were stuck.

Her parents opened the way to the Kingdom, the sea parting to make way for them. As they descended from the waves, she looked back at the forest.

Only to find the black smoke gone, and probably the little boy whose she didn’t even know. Her eyes glossed over with worry, hoping he was okay.

Little did she know about the forest that lay beyond the city lights, and what lays further on the way. But that never stopped her. She knows that even with the cold foreign wind of the forest and mysteries that might lead to danger, and the starless sky. There’s something there that lures her back and she needs to know what it is.

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