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After going back to the Kingdom, she made sure nobody knew about her visit to the other territories. She doesn’t need her mom freaking out again.

She slowly went back to her room when she heard a cough from behind her. She stiffened and turned around slowly. Only to be faced with her sister, Cane.

Sniffing heavily as she rubbed her red nose and tired eyes. Her sister is really sick, she caught it a few days ago and it just seemed to worsen everyday.

“Cane, what are you doing here? You should be asleep, you need rest for tomorrow if you want to be able to show up.” Cane pouted like a little girl, “But I’m not sleepy yet. Besides, it’s not my coronation, it’s yours.”

She sighed and let her sister in her room. Cane’s stubbornness will be the death of her one day. Cane smiled as she jumped on the bed, curling up into the sheets and making herself a cocoon.

She has a very close relationship with her sister, and it’s bothering her that after she takes the throne she might not have anymore time for her.

“I’m going to miss this,” Cane muttered on her pillow, eyes already shut.

Alizza was filled with sadness, “Don’t say it like that, Can-can. I’ll still be here.”

“Yeah, but it won’t be the same. With all your new responsibilities and all.”

She opened her mouth to say something but Came cut her off, “Admit it, Izzy. You won’t always be there, even for me. And I understand.”

Her tears started to pool, she hated seeing her sister upset. They spent so many years apart since Cane needed to be taken care off in another Kingdom because of her extremely unique immune system.

She always gets sick and the only one who can help her feel at ease was the Faes’ magic. “How about this? After the coronation, we can go hang out in Lucius’s Kingdom.”

She shifted and turned to face me, “But you’ll be leaving right after.” I smiled at her, “I can take a few hours off, you know. I’m sure they’ll understand.”

Cane was tearing up, her body shivering from the cold. Alizza hovered her hand above her sister’s chest and she felt her powers flow through her.

Providing warmth for her sister as blue waves of magic flowed from her hand to her sister’s chest.

She laid down on the bed and felt Cane hug her waist. Soon after, she heard Cane’s soft snores. Alizza closed her eyes and a few minutes later found herself sound asleep.

The afternoon came by quickly, Alizza winced as her eyes arrived to familiarize themselves to the blue light directly infront of her face.

It was a message from her mother. ‘Food is on the table, dear. After eating go shower so you can prepare early for the coronation. Love always, mom.’ It said.

She reached her hand for her sister only to find the space next to her empty. She quickly shot up from her bed, alarmed. But before she can fully panic, she saw Cane by her bookshelf.

“You got me so worried, Can-can.” She sighed in relief and Cane giggled. “I was just curious about your choice of books, you sure love history.”

She chuckled and got up, using her magic to vanish the message from her mom. “There’s food already on the table. Come, let’s eat.”

They went downstairs and saw the huge meal prepared for them. Alizza shook her head, knowing a bigger feast will be held later on that day. Maids were busy running around trying to get everything ready.

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