Dusk & Dawn ( cast )

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This is story of Alex Rogers & T'challa

A love story that starts from Captain America Civil War .....

T'challa who loses his father & gains responsibilities of Wakandan Throne.He doesn't like propaganda's.He doesn't want to be a king .He wants a normal life.Loves his family & country very much......

Alex she just started accommodating to her new life in 21st century .She is from 40's she is the daughter of Captain America Steve Rogers & Agent Peggy Carter  .She had rough past .At the age of 10 she was captured by HYDRA she blames her mother for this.She feels since her mother remarried she never cared for her .She ran away from HYDRA at age of 15 with the help of The Winter Soldier who she came to knew was her Father's best friend Bucky .She flew off from Siberia but on her way her plane crashed she landed into ice just like her father.....


Georgie Henley as Alexandra Grace Rogers-

Age:-18( during civil war)

The daughter of Steven Grant Rogers.She was found two years after her father was found freeze .That is 3 years ago(2013) from the book (2016).She is in favor of Sokovia Accords is on Tony's side.She has same abilities as her father & Tony got her a nice shield but advanced version with AI technology.

She has same abilities as her father & Tony got her a nice shield but advanced version with AI technology

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Chris Evans as Steve Rogers /Captain America

Chris Evans as Steve Rogers /Captain America

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Chadwick Boseman as T'chall/Black Panther 

Chadwick Boseman as T'chall/Black Panther 

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Avengers as themselves


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