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~Later that week~

Mia is currently at the office, waiting for Jimin and collecting all of her questions and evidence files with the information about the suspects.

Just as she finishes gathering her things, Jimin pops his head into the office.
"Hey babe, ready to go?", He asks, a smile on his face, his eyes cresents.

She rolls her eyes and turns around.
"Will you please stop that already. It's getting really annoying.", She says, getting a little ticked off.

"Oh, come on you loveee it~", He teases her.
"Whatever, let's just go.", She says before she walks past him.

~30 minutes later~

They arrive at a huge front gate and behind it stood a gorgeous mansion,  proud and tall, with a beautiful garden and groups of trees surrounding it. Basically the perfect place to be.

Mia's eyes widens at the beautiful sight before her.
Jimin chuckles at her child-like excitement. He then presses the doorbell by the gate, and a few seconds later the sound of an intercom is heard.

"Who is it?", the voice asks.
"It is Mr. and Ms. Park from the detective agency!", Jimin says cheery, Mia almost slapping the living day lights out of him.

"Of course, welcome to Kim-manor.", The voice says again before the large gate start to slowly but surely open.

Jimin drives his Mercedes into the courtyard and parks under the trees.
Once they approach the big front doors, Mia's breath is taken away by the interior and the lobby part of the house.

It is all to much for her to take in, I mean she knows she has visited fancy places from time to time, but this is like....wow.

Before she even has time to recollect het thoughts, they hear footsteps coming down the stairs.

Mia was expecting to find the rather old sounding person, maybe the butler that they talked to on the intercom, to come and greet them but instead an angel greets them.

Wait....but do angels typically have light red-pink hair, a chizeled jawline and an amazing body?

Before she knows it, the angel is infront of them, holding his hand out to her, for her to shake.

"Greetings, I am Kim Jungkook, the youngest of the brothers. You must be Mrs. Park, Chan told me we had a personel change.", He says, his voice just as deep as Mia thought it would be. 

"Uh...I apologize, but I am actually Ms. Lee, he is Mr. Park. I'm so sorry, he keeps telling people I'm his wife, although I'm not, and I'll be on the case, so you can just call me Mia.", She says, first looking at Jimin with an annoyed look, the male not even noticing her anymore, he's just glaring at the younger male, who is casually checking Mia out.

"Well, I can see why he would want that. Any guy would be lucky to have you by their side, Mia noona...", Jungkook says, his voice deep and raspy, standing way to close to Mia for Jimin's liking.

He then puts on a fake smile, and stretches out his hand for Jungkook to shake.

"Hello, I'm Park Jimin, but you can just call me Jimin hyung.", Jimin says, Mia definitely hearing some annoyance in his tone.

Jungkook shakes Jimin's hand and puts on his bunny smile, and Mia feels like fainting.
"Of course, hyung!", Jungkook says, sounding like a little boy.

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